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Weird Research, Anomalous Physics
Not your average construction project

NOTE: ARE YOU BUILDING ANY OF THESE DEVICES BELOW? OR EVEN CONSIDERING IT? Beware of "ego improvements": don't modify the devices until you've built an exact copy and made it work. And don't try building these without first asking the members of online forums about their experiences. Most of these projects are untried, but some have been attempted. Don't repeat another's failures, and don't reinvent the wheel, first talk to others to get the real story.

Also see: Free energy, Antigravity, and Weird EM pages.
"Though I have no power to quote from authors as they have, I rely on a far bigger and more worthy thing: on experience... if they despise me who am an inventor, how much more should they be blamed who are not invetors, but trumpeters and reciters of the works of others?"
- Leonardo Da Vinci, Codex Atlanticus

   Bill B's stuff:

Weird sensors
3M invisible wall
Aerogel critters
Runaway breakdown, REALLY long TC sparks
AC electronics for alien minds
Faraday's Homopolar Generator
Charged air
Threads of 'electric wind'
Water and magnetism
Rules for maverick inventors
Energy-sucking antennas
UFO-detector binoculars
Listen to ears
Coupled-oscillator atoms
Acoustic 'brain suck'
Time distortion detector
Electric Rocket (TT Brown)
More billb articles
Screwy Ideas
Evil Genius Pranks
Childhood brain tricks
Projects for "Normals"

"A man would do well to carry a pencil in his pocket, and write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought are commonly the most valuable, and should be secured, because they seldom return." - Francis Bacon

"I can make just such ones if I had tools, and I could make tools if I had tools to make them with." - Eli Whitney

"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." - Edison
Very unfortunately this also seems true: "there is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not doing it." - John W. Raper.

Even so, we should get off our butts and actually test some of the above ideas.




In the "Cook Coil" above, maybe it's real, and is converting a temperature gradient into electrical oscillations! The iron core is made of thin ferrous rods. Thin steel, particularly steel foil or guitar strings, exhibits enormous "Barkhausen Effect" and will produce large fast quantum-mechanical domain- switch pulses when driven with a low frequency b-field. If the two coils of the Cook device behave as resonators of two different frequencies, and if the two cores happen to be at different temperatures, then perhaps the slow b-field couples to both the the Barkh. pulses and to the fast b-field, and this creates a thermoelectric oscillator: a heat-to-electricity engine. The fast-coil's resonant frequency would need to be chosen to be near the time delay of domain wall pulses moving through the piece of steel.
Created and maintained by Bill Beaty.
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