Vesnoj 2001 g. ushel iz zhizni Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov. Vechnaya pamyat' ob `etom vydayuschemsya uchenom-estestvoispytatele ostanetsya v nashih serdcah.
Chapter V, FLIGHT
It affects living organisms through walls, thick metal and any other
screens. It has turned out that if a porous object were moved, a person
would not feel the change in CSE location immediately but, a few seconds
or minutes later. While the old location would retain a "trace", or as I
called it a "phantom" of the CSE field perceivable by the hand for hours
and sometimes for months thereafter. It has turned out that the CSE field
did not decrease evenly with distance but, surrounded the honeycomb with a
system of invisible, yet sometimes clearly perceivable "shells".
It has turned out that animals (white mice) and humans entering the zone
of the CSE field (even a very strong one) would soon adapt to it. It
couldn't be otherwise. We are surrounded everywhere by cavities, large and
small, surrounded by grids and cells of living and dead plants (as well as
our own cells). We are surrounded by bubbles of foam rubber, foam plastic,
foam concrete, rooms, corridors, halls, roofing, spaces between machine
parts, trees, furniture and buildings. It has turned out that the CSE
"ray" had a stronger impact on living organisms when it was directed away
from the sun and also downwards, facing the Earth center.
It has turned out that clocks, both mechanical and electronic, run inaccurately when placed in a strong CSE field. The CSE seems to have an effect on time too. All this is a manifestation of the will of the matter, constantly moving and transforming and existing eternally. It has turned out that the French physicist Louis des Broglies [?] was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery of these waves back in the 20s and that the latter were used in electronic microscopes. My research has gone well. Many other things transpired from my experiments and study, but they would lead us into solid-state physics, quantum mechanics, elementary particle physics and generally very far away from the main characters of our narrative, the insects. The same museum displays an always active honeycomb painkiller. It consists of a chair with an overhead cap, which contains a few empty but, intact honeybee combs ("dry" honeycombs, in the beekeeper's vocabulary). Anyone who sits in this chair will almost certainly feel something (please write to me what exactly you feel, I'll be grateful) after a few minutes, while those with a headache will say good bye to the pain shortly, at least for a few hours. My painkillers are successfully used in many parts of the country now, because I have made no secret of my discovery.
![]() An old wasp nest works quite differently, even though the size and shape of its cells is very close to those of the honey bees. The important difference between the two is that the wasp honeycomb material, unlike that of honey bee wax, is more crumbly and micro porous. It is paper like. (By the way, it's wasps, who invented paper, rather than people. Wasps scrape old wood fiber, mix it with their sticky saliva and let it dry out.) Walls of the wasp honeycomb are much thinner than those of bees and their cell size and pattern is also different. The nest itself is like a multi-layered, loosely wrapped paper outer shell. I've had reports of highly unpleasant effects of a few wasp nests in an attic. Besides that, most multiple cell devices and objects with a manifested CSE field have a far from beneficial effect on humans in the first few minutes. Honey bee combs are a rare exception. I have often observed the bumblebees living in our Isilkul flat in the 1960s. A young bumble bee did not take the trouble to remember the entrance to the hive and it would spend hours wandering around the windows of our house and of a similar looking house nearby on its first trip out of the hive. It would give up on its poor visual memory in the evening and it would land on the brick wall precisely outside the hive and it would try to break right through the wall. Now, how did the insect know that its home nest was right there, four meters away from the entrance to the attic and a meter and a half below, behind the thick, half meter wall? I was lost at the time in conjectures but now I know exactly why the bumble bee behaved in that manner. It is an amazing find, wouldn't you agree? Now let us remember the experiment in which hunter wasps returned not only to a given location but, even to an entirely different location to where the lump of soil with their nest had been moved. I do not doubt that they were able to find it because of the wave emitter created by their nest cavities. When it comes to the bees, which nest underground, their "knowledge" of the CSE is vital to them. First of all, it enables the builder of a new gallery to stay away from the neighboring nests. Otherwise, the entire bee city all cut through with intersecting holes would simply collapse. Secondly, plant roots cannot be allowed to grow down into the galleries and honeycombs and indeed the roots stop growing any further a few centimeters away from the honeycomb of tunnels and chambers and start growing aside, feeling that nests are near.
I will also note that human hands, with all their tubular phalanxes, joints, ligaments, blood vessels, and nails are intensive CSE emanators capable of giving a powerful push to the straw or the charcoal rod indicator of my little instruments from a couple of meters distance. Practically anyone can do it. This is why I am convinced that there are no people with supersensory abilities, or rather that all the people have them and that the number of those, who can move light-weight objects across on a table from a distance, or hold them suspended in the air or "magnetically" attached to the hand, is far greater than is usually thought. Try it yourself! I look forward to your letters. Folks in old times used to play the following game: One man sits down onto a chair and four of his friends "build" a grid of horizontally stretched palms with slightly spread fingers over his head. First from their right hands, then from their left hands, spaced at about 2 cm. They hold the hand grid for about 10-15 seconds. Then all four of them place simultaneously their pressed-together index and middle fingers under the armpits and under the knees of the sitting man, and toss him energetically up in the air. The time lapse between "collapsing" the hand grid and tossing of the man must not exceed two seconds and the synchronicity of the action is very important. If everything is done right, a 100-kilo man flies up almost to the ceiling, while the ones who tossed him claim he was light as a feather. A sceptic reader may ask me: "How is this possible?" Doesn't it all contradict laws of nature? And if so, am I not propagating mysticism? Nothing of the sort! There is no mysticism. We humans still know little of the Universe which, as we see it, not always accepts our all too human rules, assumptions and orders and laws. It dawned on me once that the results of my experiments with insect nests bear way too much similarity to the reports of people who happened to be in the vicinity of UFOs. Think about it and compare the observations of the same phenomena in both cases. Temporary malfunctioning of electronic devices, disrupted clocks-time, an invisible, resilient obstacle to movement, a temporary drop in the weight of objects, the sensation of a decrease in human weight, phosphenes moving, colored flashes in the eyes, galvanic taste in the mouth. I am sure you have read about all this in UFO journals. I am now telling you that it can all be experienced in our museum. Come and visit us! Was I standing on the threshold of yet another mystery? Quite so. And I was helped again by a chance, or better said by my old insect friends. And there came sleepless nights and failures accompanied by doubts and breakdowns, even accidents and no one to turn to for an advice. Everyone would have just laughed, or much worse... But I can say this, my reader: "He is happy who has a more or less adequate use of his eyes, head, and hands." Skillful hands are particularly important and trust me that the joy of creative work, even of work that ends in failure, is far higher and brighter than earning any diplomas, medals, or patents.
Flying an Anti-gravitational Platform (excerpts from my diary) Judge for yourself based on my diary excerpts, obviously simplified and adapted for this book. Pictures and drawings will help you to evaluate my story. It is a hot summer day and the faraway expanses are drowned in a bluish-lilac haze. The gigantic blue dome of the sky with its pufs of clouds stretches over the fields and groves. I am flying about 300 meters above ground with a light elongated tray of a lake in the distant haze serving me as me as a reference point. Blue, intricate contours of treelines slowly recede behind, with fields spreading among them. That bluish-green one is an oat field, the whitish rectangle with a strange, rhythmic twinkling of the sun reflection is that of buckwheat. Straight ahead of me opens a field of alfalfa, with its familiar cobalt medium-green stolen from my oil paintings, while the green oceans of wheat to the right borrowed my deeper, chrome oxide shade. This enormous, multi-colored palette floats further and further behind me. Footpaths meander among the fields and coppices. They join the gravel roads, which it turn stretch further out to join the highway, still hidden in the haze. But, I know that if I flew on the right side of the lake, I would see it, the smooth, gray ribbon without a beginning or an end carrying the matchboxes of cars slowly crawling over its back to their destinies. Isometric, flat shadows of the cumulus clouds ride over the sunny countryside. They are deep-blue where they cover the threes and are of various shades of light blue where they strike the fields. Now I have entered the shadow of one such cloud and I accelerate. It is quite easy for me to do so and leave for the sunshine again. I lean slightly forward and feel the warm, taut wind coming for down below, from the sun drenched soil and vegetation. It does not blow from the side like when you are on the ground, but strangely from the surface up. I physically feel its thick, dense current carrying the strong smell of blooming buckwheat. Of course, this jet can easily lift even a large bird, an eagle may be, or a stork, or a crane, on their frozen, spread wings.
I trust only my insect friends depicted in these pages on these excursions, which no doubt are a fiction to the reader but, which are already almost casual to me . The first practical use of my discovery has been entomological research. A way to get to and examine my secret places, to take a picture of them from above and to find new, still uninspected insect lands in need of protection and salvation. Alas, nature has established its own strict limitations on my work. Just as on a passenger plane, I could see but couldn't take photographs [taking pictures on planes was forbidden by law]. My camera shutter wouldn't close and both rolls of film I had with me, one in the camera and the other in my pocket, got light-struck. I didn't succeed in sketching the landscape either, because both my hands were almost always busy. I could only free one hand for a couple of seconds. Thus I could only draw from my memory. I managed to do that only immediately after landing. Though I am an artist, my visual memory is not all that great. I did not feel the same way in my flight as we do when we fly in our sleep. It was with flying in my sleep that I started this book a while ago. Real flying is not so much pleasure as it is work, sometimes very hard and dangerous at that. One has to stand, not hover, with both hands always busy. There is a borderline a few centimeters away separating "this" space from "that" on the outside. The border is invisible but quite treacherous. My contraption is still rather clumsy and resembles perhaps a hospital scale. But this is only the beginning! By the way, besides the camera, I have experiernced sometimes trouble with my watch and possibly also with the calendar. While descending onto a familiar glade, I would occasionally find it slightly "out of season", with about a two-week deviation but, I had nothing to check it against. Thus, it may be possible to fly not just in space but also, or so it seems, in time. I cannot make the latter claim with a 100% guarantee, except perhaps that in flight, particularly at its beginning, a watch runs eratically, now too slow and then too fast. But, the watch is at its accurate time and speed at the end of the excursions.
It is best to fly on clear summer days Flying is much more difficult when it rains and almost impossible in winter. Not because of the cold, since I could have adapted my device accordingly, but being an entomologist, winter trips are useless to me.
But, before setting it down on top of a little bump, I again spread the blinds with my control handle in a fit of joy and rise vertically up, high into the sky. The landscape below quickly shrinks and the horizon begins to curve on all sides in a huge dip opening up the sight of railroad that runs two kilometers on the left with the village on the right of it twinkling with its light slate roofs. Further on the right lies Roslavka, the central estate of the Lesnoy State Farm, which already looks like a small city. Cow farms of the Lesnoy's Komsomolsk branch surrounded by a yellow ring of straw and dry, foot-worn manure are to the left of the railroad. I can recognize a few small houses and the neat white cube of the Yunino railroad terminal some 6km away in the west, where the smooth curve of the railroad disappears (this is somewhat confusing, because the railway is actually straight as an arrow). Beyond Yunino spread the limitless expanses of Kazakhstan, drowning in the hot, bluish haze of this hot summer day. Finally, right below me, lies my Isilkulia. The land of my youth looks very different from how it appears on maps and plans with their inscriptions and signs. It is vast, limitless, alive. It is interspersed with dark, intricate islands of woods, cloudy shadows and bright clear eyes of the lakes. The huge disk of the earth with all this beneath me appears more and more concave for some reason and I still haven't found out the reason for this already familiar illusion. I rise still higher and the rare, white cloud masses sink lower and lower and the sky above turns much darker blue. The fields protruding between the clouds are already covered with the thickening blue haze and they are more and more difficult to distinguish. Too bad I can't take my four-year-old grandson Andrei with me. The platform could easily lift us both but, one can't be too careful. Goodness, what am I doing? I have cast a shadow back on the Glade, didn't I? This means that I can be seen by thousands, as on that memorable night in March. It is daytime now and I may again appear as a disk, square, or even worse, as my own person. And over there, there is also a cargo plane approaching me, still silent but, quickly growing in size. I can already see the cold shimmer off its body and the flashing of its unnaturally red warning light. Down, quick! I brake abruptly and make a turn. The sun is at my back and my shadow should be across from me, impressed on top of the gigantic, convex wall of a white cloud. But there is no shadow. Only the rainbow glory of the iridescent bright ring familiar to all pilots has brushed the cloud ahead of me. I sigh with relief, because this means that nobody saw either me, or my "double" in the guise of a triangle, square, or a "common" saucer. A thought occurs to me (I must say that despite the desperate technical and physical inconvenience, imagination works much better and faster in a "falling" flight): "What if I am not the only one out of the five billion people to have made my discovery? What if flying devices based on the same principle, both home-made and professional, have long been constructed and tested?" But all screening platforms have the same quality. They become visible to other people sometimes. The pilots themselves are "transformed" and they are observed as "humanoids" in silver suites, either short and green, or flat as if made of cardboard (Voronezh, 1989) etc. Thus, it may very well be that these are not alien UFO crewmen, but only people who appear "temporarily deformed" to the outside observers. It may very well be that they are earthly pilots and builders of little platforms, such as mine, who have made their inventions reliable. My advice to those, who in their study of insects come across the same phenomenon and begin making and testing a "gravitoplane" (by the way, I am convinced that one can't make the discovery without insects) is this: "Fly only on fine summer days. Avoid working in thunderstorms or rain. Do not operate the platform too far or too high. Do not take anything with you from the landing area. Make all assembly units as strong as possible and avoid testing of the device in the vicinity of any power lines, towns (let alone cities), transport, or people." The best site for testing is a distant forest glade, as far away from human habitation as possible. Otherwise you may cause a phenomenon known as poltergeist in the radius of a few dozen meters with "unexplained" movements of household objects, switching on and off of household electric appliances and even causing fires. I myself have no explanation for all this, but it seems that these phenomena are the consequence of temporal disruptions, a complicated and treacherous activity. Not a single, even tiniest fragment or particle should be dropped either during the flight, or in the landing area. Let us remember the Dalnegorsk phenomenon of January 29, 1986, apparently a tragic one for the inventors, when the entire device was blown apart and scattered over a vast area. Only small shreds of filter cells were found, impossible to analyze chemically (as it should be!). Remember, I wrote that insects taken from "there" and moved "over here" disappeared from their test tubes with hole formed in the tubes, if they remained intact at all. It turns out that these holes resemble simmilar holes in windows plate glass. The latter sometimes appear in residential and office buildings, occasionally in "bursts" in the windows of several rooms and floors. A hole is 3-5 mm on the outside, widening in a cone to he inside, with exit diameter of 6-15 mm. Some holes are melted or colored brown on edges, just as it happened in the case of my insect in my test tube. It seems that this type of poltergeist isn't caused, as I used to believe, by short-lived microplasmoids of tiny ball lightning type, but by particles and specks carelessly dropped while testing a device similar to mine. The photographs of window holes on these pages are documentary and made by me at the scientific center of the Agricultural Academy near Novosibirsk. I can show them to anyone who wants to see them. These holes appeared during 1975-1990, but none of them, except perhaps the very last one, are related to my flights.
Similar wells, also with the side-tunnel and
without dirt piles,
were suddenly formed on October 24, 1989 in the fields of Khvorostyansk
District of Samara Region. Komsomolskaya Pravda [magazine] described it in
detail on December 6. of the same year and it seems that I am not alone. I
am quite likely reinventing the wheel ("inventing a bicycle"). Well,
actually the top part of my
device looks very much like one. The right handle is used for horizontal
motion, also achieved via a cable, regulating the incline of both groups
of the "wing case" blinds. I never fly faster than 25 km/min and I prefer
to go ten times slower.
I don't know whether I have persuaded you, my reader, that similar devices
will soon be available to practically everyone, while the living nature,
without which humans cannot survive, won't be available to anyone if we
don't save it and preserve it.
Artificial honeycomb. Take a dozen and a half papier-mache supermarket egg cases (30-egg variety), tie them up or glue them together (one on top of another) in such a way as to join the "teeth" to one another rather than to the hollows.
Paper Combs
Plastic Foam. We are used to the fact that this excellent thermal insulator "reflects" the warmth of the hand even at a distance. But, even if you cover it with dark paper, cardboard, or a tin plate, it will still do the same. This happens due to the work of multiple vesicular cavities of the material producing the CSE. Foam rubber. It is widely known that a person used to sleeping on let's say a cotton wool mattress doesn't sleep well at first on a rubber foam one, or else is unable to sleep at all. This is a typical manifestation of the CSE. The organism eventually adapts itself to this new bed.
Moving combs: Make a wooden top and drill several holes about a pencil size through it.
Book CSE. Take a thick, preferably well-read book and stand it upright on the edge ![]()
Large Cones with an artificial comb filling and three magnets at the back. Two
Medium Cones. Insert a dozen plastic household funnels tightly into each other and fix the structure on any support with the nozzles turned toward the sun. Cover the bell end of the top funnel with a net or light blue cloth (so that the tested subjects do not anticipate heat). voronki zaklejte setochkoj ili goluboj tkan'yu, chtoby ispytuemye nevol'no ne +nastroilis'+ na zhar.
Sieve CSE. In the old days, headaches and concussion symptoms were treated with an ordinary flour sieve held above the head of the patient, net up, in several areas of the globe. The patient squeezed the sieve rim between the teeth, with the net in front of the face in an alternate method. The sieve material is unimportant. The device works better if the patient faces the sun (north at midnight). This type of CSE is also perceivable by healthy people. Planetary CSE. The planets of our Solar system are situated at certain distances from the sun. The Titus-Bode formula for the distance is this: 4 is added to the numbers 3, 6, 12, 36, etc (a geometrical progression) and the resulting number is divided by 10. The cause for this regularity is unknown. The empty spot in this progression (between Mars and Jupiter) is occupied by asteroids. The Kemerovo physicist V. Iu. Kaznev thinks that the regularity is determined by the CSE generated by the sun. He has proposed that the matter of planets was grouped in the areas of the sun's field force concentration.
Scepter of ThotThe ancient Egyptian deity Thot was a god of science, sorcery and an ![]() Cheops Pyramid. Make a pyramid of 3-4 layers of thick, porous wrapping paper: 20x20 cm square base, ascending edges 19cm each. Glue it only at the edges, the tighter the better but, in a thin line. Cut out Make a 5-6 cm hole in the middle of one of the side faces. Hold a 10 cm long piece of drawing coal or a pencil in your fingers and insert this indicator into the hole, ![]() Telekinesis. Is the name for a contactless movement of light objects performed by the so-called gifted, i. e. moving a match box on a table without touching it, or holding a tennis ball in the mid air. I submit that everyone has this capability. Suspend the described skeletal straw pyramid by its top from the ceiling by a thin, artificial thread, or even better yet by a long shred of elastic torn from a stocking. Choose a spot with the least convection (air circulation). Allow a few hours for the ![]() Grain CSE Fasten a bunch of 30-40 ripe wheat ears with short stems inside a low cone
Haymaking with miracles: I had been shown the following trick in my youth. A fragment of a cut stem, the length of a short pencil, was placed on the blade of a scythe next to its blunt edge. Another such stem fragment of the same length was placed on the blade in the same manner but at some
Identified Flying Objects. I was surprised a long time ago in a remote Caucasus village that people would walk about and through dense forests in the mountains at night, with lit cigarettes in their mouths and waving hands. The light from the buts would light up for a second, then disappear behind their bodies or trees flickering in the distance. It had turned out that these were actually local fireflies, Luceola mingredica. The light of these flies twinkles in this manner. Meanwhile, UFO reports and letters from my readers speak of dark flying saucers, which turn out to be either flocks of birds, or compact swarms of insects. I myself have seen not only "columns" of insects in Siberia but, also "balls" of them, 3 to 4 meters in diameter. In some cases they were some mosquito like fliers, in other the winged ants of the Mirmica genus. Such swarm could be taken by an ignorant person for a huge, round plasmoid from afar. A detailed description of the CSE effect may be found in my book "The Mysteries of the World of Insects" (Novosibirsk, 1990), in the journals Sibirskii Vestnik Selskokhoziastvennoi Nauki, no.3, 1984 and Pchlovodstvo, no. 12, 1984. The physical nature of CSE is described in Non-periodic Galloping Phenomena in the Environment, vol. III (Tomsk, 1988). All in all
************************************************************************************************************************ The late Victor S. Grebennikov may not be contacted through Iu. N. Cherednichenko che@online.sinor.ru any more. ************************************************************************************************************************ S.D.K.
SDK, 4. November 2001
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