Oxygen use by EM-shielded potato sample
Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Dan Davidson. Potatoes Can See A REPORT BY JACK SALTER Aug.1, 1993 OF WATERFORD MICHIGAN
In the late 60's I was working for a company, in southern Michigan,
called Space Defense Corp. The company was engaged in basic
research with most of the contracts being with NASA. The question
of particular interest to us at the time was, "What would happen to
man's biological rhythms in a long term deep space flight?"
Man has about 280 biological clocks ticking away and are more or
less associated with the Planet Earth. So if we take man and send
him into deep space, is he going to fall apart?
The plan was to take something simple, study its' biorhythms on
earth, then shoot it into deep space, then compare the biorhythm,
which would give you conjecture as to Man. After a reasonable study
the Potato was elected-it was simple, lots of data in the data
banks, and the life-blood of Americans. To help clarify the data we
elected to only fly the eye of a potato thus reducing the size of
the experiment.
Pertinent Data:
One of the first things that we noticed was that not all eyes
survived the plugging operation. The potato eye would go into post
operative shock as if he were trying to decide if "He" were going to
live or die. He would not take a breath for 2 or 3 days, but, if
the potato were plugged during the full moon the breathing would
start almost immediately. Thus giving more credence to the "Farmers
Almanac" saying that "if you want to have a good potato crop you
should plant in the light of the full moon".
The first of the data showed that the potato would get up at sunrise
and "Work"; do his thing until sundown. Then he would go into a
quasi-state of low oxygen consumption (sleep) until next morning.
Then the process was repeated five more times followed by a low
oxygen consumption day ;"cool it day", to put it more accurately he
worked six days and rested on the seventh! Now this brought up more
questions than it solved. How is it that all potatoes had the same
rhythm? Why were they synchronous? When did they pick the day of
rest? Was "GOD" trying to tell us something?
Over the years of study the potato appeared to be smarter and
smarter. While still locked up in the can, he still could tell
Spring, Winter, Fall and Summer. He knew the days of the week, the
time of day and the position of the moon with respect to the sun.
That potato either had a fantastic memory or was getting information
through the can.
We then decided to revise the instrumentation to put a temperature
probe directly into the potato eye. We reasoned that as he took a
breath, the O2 would combine with the starch - this reaction would
produce heat thus telling us the minute the potato took a breath.
This new instrumentation presented us with some of the old problems
of grounding, shielding, and stray fields each in turn being
answered by perseverance, except one.
Sporadic problems that seemingly come and go without an explanation
as to reason or time are the worst and hardest type to correct. The
search seemed endless. Finally we noticed that when someone new came
into the lab that the potato got hyper.
That is to say, we noticed that the breathing rate increased and
would stay elevated for several minutes after the arrival of any new
people to the laboratory. Does this sporadic problem turn out to be
Potato Memory?
Can the potato SEE through the aluminum can, remember who was in the
lab, then say to himself "that's a new face, what's he doing here"?
Then after a few minutes, think to himself "nothing new is going on,
I guess I'll go back to doing my thing".
It's time for some conjecture, what if the Potato were a super-
sensitive gravity field detector? This would account for knowing
the Spring, Winter, Fall and Summer, further, the position of the
sun and moon could be accounted for. But, knowing the day of the
That's a reach, but not so much if you consider everything produces
a gravity field. That the net gravitometric force is the net of all
the fields around you. When Jim, Betty, and Bob are in the lab,
they produce a net gravity field which is sensed by the Potato. Now
lets say that Judy comes into the Lab. The gravity field must adjust
which will affect the Potato as well.
Let us take this one more step, the building that houses the lab normally has about 100 people working there, but on Sunday there may be none to five. Which would give a lower net gravitational field and thus the Potato does not feel the pressure to work so hard. And all this time you thought that He wanted to go to church. One final thought. If the Potato can't see why do we say he has eyes.
Vangard Note..
This is a most intriguing proposition and fits perfectly well
with the research done by Cleve Backster (Primary Perception in
plants) and Herbert Veale's Homing Conductance Ray (see HOMCOND1
on KeelyNet). The fact that the potato eye is being kept in an
aluminum container (a Faraday cage) indicates three possibilities
as to the nature of WHAT can pass freely through a Faraday cage?
The first is obviously gravity as suggested in the text.
The second is some kind of SCALAR component as detailed in the
file HOMCOND1. Since all cells have DNA and DNA consists of
multiple loops (double helices) that create a scalar "ray" from
each twist of the helix, then each cell produces multiple "rays"
that can be accessed with suitable detectors/emitters.
The third possibility is that of the flow of Aether (also called
the "virtual field" or "hyperspace" or "tachyon field", etc.).
Since all matter has centers through which this Aether flows, the
degree and "character" (modulations) of this inflowing Aether
could be sensed and "sniffed" as to WHAT IS IN the Aether wind.
The idea that Aether can be so modulated with other energies
gives rise to device possibilities beyond belief.
Another interesting aspect of this paper is with the potato eye
KNOWING to skip the 7th day. For several years now, we have been
looking for information as to a set of "clocking" fields that
control all mass and energy. These fields would be inter-related
and follow this pattern :
Universe which clocks
So, at the birth of each atom, a clock is established that is
controlled by the larger clocks. When the atoms combine to form
molecules, they in turn heterodyne to form the molecular clock.
When the molecules combine to form mass aggregations, those
molecules collectively combine to form a heterodyned mass
aggregate clock. (see the file NEUTRAL1.ZIP) And so on...
Each mass therefore has multiple controlling clocks that are
ESTABLISHED AT BIRTH. By accessing one or more of these clocks,
one can affect the mass under experiment to produce phenomena or
changes that are temporarily "independent" of the external
clocks. Thus, through the use of magnetic, electric, scalar or
other fields of energy, (note here the KEY is FREQUENCY) one can
alter the mass clock for phenomena including, time shifts,
dimensional shifts, levitation, local tapping of "free" energy,
accelerated or retarded aging of material to produce
embrittlement or greater strength of that material, etc.
Bearing the above in mind, it follows that each element, being of
a specific frequency, MUST resonate IN PHASE with the same
element, ANYWHERE within the Universe. Now that is a rather
broad concept and so, it should be amended to: each element of
the same frequency will be in phase with all other elements of
the same frequency IN ITS local energetic media. This again
follows because of the changes in energy density in different
regions of space...and such changes would produce not only
different "refractive indices" but also subject these frequencies
to interference patterns from other frequency conflicts.
We have been looking for evidence that this principle has been
tested but have not found anything which even specifies the above
contentions. It is a difficult matter to test because of the
very nature of the machines used to detect the frequencies and
phase of different elements. The NMR uses a 10KGauss biasing
field which necessarily SKEWS the phase angle of the element
under test.
So, using two calibrated NMR machines over a distance, would
yield the SAME PHASE, thus nullifying the purpose of the test. If
there was a means of testing that did not use such a DISTORTING
FIELD, then the following test would apply.
The basic test is quite simple and involves two samples of the
same element, located miles (or preferably hundreds of miles)
from each other. Each element is subjected to monitoring by two
calibrated instruments to determine if the phase DOES IN FACT
remain the same over distance. If this is proven to be so, it
shows some kind of controlling clock and again leads to
interesting machine possibilities.
The point here is the potato RESTED ON THE 7TH DAY, why? It must
have picked up some kind of NULL zone, created as a BEAT
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your consideration, interest and support. Jerry W. Decker ......... Ron Barker ........... Chuck Henderson Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet If we can be of service, you may contact Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346 |