The following 1994 Keelynet posting included a
report from a "Dr. X"
where a column of water in an ultrasonic resonator flew upwards,
punching a hole in the ceiling, and continued right through the roof
waiting in line during the opening of the "Steamboy" movie, several things
suddenly fell into place for me.
First, guess what happens if we leave
some water for hours under high powered ultrasonic treatment? This
degasses the water, removing all the dissolved air and preventing
boiling-nucleation. Heating the water increases this effect. (Boiling
always requires some initial microbubbles.) Second,
what happens if we strongly heat some thoroughly-degassed water? If
all bubbles are lacking, then the water temperature will rise far above
100C, and the water will become massively superheated. It may even
superheat to such an extent that, once it starts boiling, the stored heat
energy may convert the entire volume of water to vapor. This will occur
at above xxC deg.
Finally, what happens if we place water in a resonant ultrasonic
chamber where the transducer is located at the bottom? In that case the
pressure excursions will be maximum at the surface of the transducer and
at both surfaces of the water (and at each standing-wave node.) But the
upper water surface will cool by radiation, so if cavitation were to
commence, it would be at the bottom of the water column against the hot
transducer. Or, perhaps multiple nodes would cavitate/explode
Taken together, this is a recipe for a water-jet cutter, or more
likely a cannon, but a cannon where the bullet is a slug of water
propelled by its own steam output. A tiny bubble will break out at the
bottom of the water column, and the bubble will instantly fill with live
steam. The water column will be smoothly accelerated upwards as the
superheated water emits a downwards "exhaust" of hot water vapor. As the
steam leaves the water, the water cools, but if the superheated
temperature was high enough, this "exhaust plume" would never cool below
As the water slug leaves the pipe, the vertical water surface will
emit vapor in all directions with little net propulsive effect, while the
bottom surface will act like a rocket engine. But would this be enough to
punch a hole in a ceiling? Well, we know that whenever a kilojoule
capacitor-discharge propels a water column upwards, the water can punch a
hole through a thick aluminum plate (tested by Richard Hull and Dr. Peter Graneau). Yet in their
capacitor experiment, turbulent disruption converted their water column
into a water spray after a few feet of traveling through the air. But
what might happen when a superheated water-slug sends steam outwards in
all directions at high velocity? Maybe this would preserve the shape of
the water column on its journey towards the ceiling. It would be radial
laminar outwards flow, excluding all turbulence and punching upwards
through the air like a giant frictionless finger, with the relatively tiny
water-column protected in its center.
This document is graciously provided by Dan A. Davidson from his
book "A Breakthrough to New Free Energy Sources". We of VANGARD
SCIENCES wish to publicly thank Dan for his willingness to share the
result of his researches on John Keely.
See Keely text archive
Chapter 3
"In questions of Science the Authority of
a Thousand is not worth the humble reasoning
of a single individual." - Galileo
The "Scientific American" in their January 28, 1899, and
February 4, 1899, issues spent four pages debunking Keely and his
experiments. However, they would have spent even more time and pages
debunking our current semiconductors and other now-common scientific
inventions if someone had been able to come up with any of them at
that time--science and technology were not advanced enough then to
understand the sophisticated functioning of such items. Now, in
light of our advances and our greater understanding and hopefully our
more broadened outlook in the field of science, I think it behooves
us to look again at John Keely, the man and his experiments, and see
if perhaps he was just ahead of his time and that now there may be
premises we can utilize or lines of research we can pursue to our
great advantage.
The entire thesis of the "Scientific American" articles was that
Keely's scientific career had been nothing but a series of frauds
perpetrated on gullible, unthinking people who were incapable of
understand ng enough science to disprove his wild claims. (1,2,3)
This in spite of the fact that many noted men of science, including
such as Joseph M. Leidy, M.D., of Pennsylvania University, James M.
Wilcox, M.D., author and noted physician, and many others, thoroughly
examined Keely's inventions, his laboratory, and the scientific
demonstrations performed by Keely and could find no fraud of any
kind. In fact they were completely convinced as to the validity of
Keely's achievements and his competence in the scientific method. (4)
The basis for the cries of fraud centered around the finding of
a large hollow iron sphere "hidden" under the floor boards of Keely's
After Keely's untimely death several investigators from
"Scientific American" went to Keely's old laboratory looking for
evidence to support their fraud thesis. (2) They thought they had
found what they were looking for when they lifted a couple of
floorboards and found a large (four feet in diameter) cast iron
sphere from which protruded pieces of broken pipe. The sphere was
estimated to weigh 6,625 pounds and have a bursting strength of
28,000 pounds per square inch.
This event revived the charge brought against him during his
lifetime of using compressed air to perform his miraculous feats
which if true could have earned Keely a fortune from compressed air
A newspaper article written while Keely was still living tells
the story of the iron sphere. It seems that the newshound who wrote
the article had gone to see Keely for possible newsworthy
information. He found the inventor in his laboratory tearing a large
hole in the floor. Keely greeted the reporter but did not seem to be
in a talkative mood as he appeared quite busy. After enlarging the
hole, Keely attached a strange belt with several mechanisms built
into it to his waist. He then attached a thin wire leading from the
belt to a large sphere resting in the corner of the laboratory.
After a few moments of intense concentration by Keely the
ponderous globe slowly lifted a few inches from the floor. Keely
then "floated" the iron sphere over to the hole in the floorboards
and allowed the huge mass to settle gently to the ground below the
floor level. After a few adjustments to the belt mechanism Keely
again seemed lost in rapt concentration. This time the globe slowly
but inexorably settled itself into the earth, buried by the opposite
of levitation; namely, supergravity. Keely had evidently caused the
apparent mass of the sphere to increase to such an extent that it
sank into the firm earth much as a heavy rock sinks into mud. The
inventor told the reporter that he was merely making room in his lab
and clearing away outmoded equipment.
This demonstration of Keely's control of gravity should have put
to bed forever the humbug about compressed air but people believe
pretty much as they want or are told to believe. Keely had used the
sphere many years previous as a storage reservoir for etheric vapor
but improvements in force generation obsoleted the necessity for
storage. (4) He was by then able to conduct the force through
specially treated wires made of precious metals. (4)
While Major Ricarde-Seaver, F.R.S., was in Philadelphia, he
witnessed this same gravity belt in operation. The Major saw Keely
move a large 500 horsepower vibratory engine from one part of his lab
to another. The astounded engineer pronounced the feat impossible
without the aid of a crane which would have meant the removal of the
roof of the laboratory. The gravity belt was but one step towards
Keely's "airship" or "aerial navigator" as he called it. (4)
By 1896 Keely had perfected his system to the point where he had
built and demonstrated his airship to the press as well as the War
Department (now the Department of Defense). The craft was a circular
platform about 6 feet in diameter. (11) Mounted on it was a small
stool placed before a keyboard. Attached to the keyboard were a
collection of finely tuned resonation plates and vibratory
mechanisms. (14) Keely explained that when these plates were
polarized with "negative attraction" the craft would rise and float
above the ground. (11) The craft was now under the influence of the
etheric polar current. By damping out certain notes Keely caused the
airship to accelerate to any desired speed. (11) When the War
Department witnessed his demonstration in an open field the airship
went from zero velocity to 500 miles per hour within a few seconds.
There were NO ACCELERATION EFFECTS TO KEELY who was sitting before
the keyboard on the stool in the open air and controlling the
airship. The government officials, although impressed, could see no
use for the complex device so did not pursue the matter further.
(The Wright brothers did not demonstrate their airplane at Kittyhawk,
N.C., until December 17, 1903--7 years later!)
The controlling mechanism consisted of a row of 100 vibratory
bars representing the enharmonic and diatonic scales. When half of
the bars were damped the craft would move at 500 miles per hour. If
all the bars were damped, gravity would resume control and the craft
would settle to the earth. (14)
There were no moving parts in the ship's propelling mechanism.
It was unaffected by weather as it could rise above any storm. The
instrument for guiding the airship was distinctly different from the
propelling feature.
A vast improvement over greasy automobiles, noisy airplanes, and
brute force space rockets which hadn't even been invented yet!!!
You might think we have regressed instead of progressed in our so-
called "space-age".
John Ernst Worrell Keely may well have been one of the greatest
scientists of all time. And it is unfortunate that so few people
even know his name, much less the scientific system which he
developed. He is listed in the encyclopedia (8) as a fake and
imposter who tried to hoodwink the public and scientific
establishment of his day.
"KEELY, John Ernest* Worrell, American adventurer:
born - Philadelphia, Pa., September 3, 1837**
died - Philadelphia, Pa., November 18, 1898
In early life he was a carpenter. Prior to 1872
he became interested in music, and afterward claimed
that the tuning fork had suggested to him a new
motive power. In 1874 a stock company was formed for
the purpose of supplying funds for the perfection and
promotion of the alleged discovery. Keely built and
destroyed many models, gave exhibitions at which
numerous remarkable and unexplained effects were
produced, but never attained any important result.
Upon his death it was found that the so-called Keely
motor was operated by an invisible compressed air
apparatus, and that the entire scheme was fraudulent.(8)
* (author's note : Ernst is the correct spelling)
** (author's note : 1827 is correct date of birth)
Keely's parents died in an epidemic when he was still a boy and
he was raised by grandparents. His grandfather, Ernst, had been a
composer who led the Baden-Baden orchestra in Germany before
immigrating to Philadelphia. Ernst quickly found that his grandson
was a prodigy on the violin and gave him much help in learning the
fundamentals of music.
A musical career did not appeal to the adventuresome genius as
he found the science of vibrations upon which music is based a much
greater attraction. Keely was intrigued with the famous statement by
Paganini that he could, given the mass chord of a bridge, destroy it
by playing the mass chord on his violin. (4)
One interesting (but unverified) story about Keely concerns the
time he built his first free-energy motor--while still a young boy.
It was a series of 17 conch shells, 8 affixed to a small wheel
forming the rotor. The stator consisted of 9 conches affixed around
the outer periphery of the wheel but not attached to the rotating
wheel. John had ground the shells so that they were all attuned to
the same frequency. When the "motor" was put together the wheel
slowly rotated on its axis, clunking and clicking because of
imbalances, but nevertheless self-operative. John's enterprising
nature led him to the idea of putting the entire assembly into a box
and charging his neighbor friends a penny to look inside to see the
wheel turning. Impossible you say?--well a research scientist in Los
Angeles, Dr. Ruth Drown, has claimed that a special log spiral (the
same curve in a conch shell) gives off a strange energy emanation.
While yet a young man, Keely learned carpentry and used his
income to pursue his experiments in sound vibrations. About 1866
while he was pursuing a line of experimentation in sonic vibrations,
he discovered a hitherto unknown energy. He was subjecting water to
sonic vibrations and had an explosion which wrecked his apparatus.
Six years of intensive experiments passed before he was able to
produce this energy at will. He found that 42,800 vibrations per
second would vaporize water instantly into energy. (11) He named
this energy ETHERIC FORCE. Keely called the process of changing the
substance of water into etheric force : DISSOCIATION. (6)
During the course of these experiments Keely had exhausted his
resources so he sought financial aid. In 1872 he demonstrated the
production of etheric force, by dissociation of water using sound
vibration, to a group of Philadelphia businessmen who were interested
in the possible use of etheric force to power an engine. (4)
Witnessing the lifting of large masses and the production of
pressures up to 20,000 pounds per square inch and reversing to a
standard atmospheric pressure of 30 inches of mercury with no heat or
cold brought visions of a power to supplant steam that induced the
men to organize a company around Keely's discovery. (4) Its primary
goal was to design and develop an engine utilizing etheric force as
the motive power. It was called the Keely Motor Company chartered in
1874. The company proved to be nothing but a burden to Keely and
practically no financial assistance. He was ot a businessman and it
did not interest him so the Keely Motor Company was eventually
During the Keely Motor Company episode Keely was sustained in
his research and personal needs by a few close friends who believed
in the value of his work. This enabled him to pursue his beloved
research on a sparse budget.
Later on Mrs. Clara Jessup Bloomfield Moore, widow of a wealthy
paper manufacturer, and well-known writer, came to Keely's rescue and
financed his continued research on an expanded scale. During this
time Keely lived at 909 Walnut Street in Philadelphia with his wife
Anna. Mrs. Moore payed the mortgage on Keely's house and gave him a
personal income so he could work uninterrupted on his discoveries.
The only well-known record of Keely and his researches, to this
day, is a biography written by Mrs. Moore to acquaint the world with
Keely's discoveries. (4) If one is interested in Keely's system,
time spent in researching the references alluded to in KEELY AND HIS
DISCOVERIES by Mrs. Moore is very rewarding. (Available from Health
Research, PO BOX 70, Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245 about $18)
A recent (1965) possible verification of the frequency Keely
used to dissociate water into etheric force was related to me by a
scientist when we were discussing certain aspects of free energy. He
wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, but his name is on
file. I have no other verification of this experiment, however I
believe it merits telling.
The scientist, I shall call him Dr. X, was doing experiments
with ultrasonic sound in a column of water. The object of the
experiments was to devise a means of separating various densities of
materials by injecting them into a column of water which was
subjected to an ultrasonic standing wave vibration. The experimental
setup is sketched in Figure 3-3 (for BBS considerations a description
A Barium Titanate ultrasonic transducer was fixed to the bottom
of a quartz tube which was closed at the bottom and open at the top.
Pure water was poured into the tube and the water column was "tuned"
so that a standing wave was produced at 40,000 CPS (cycles per
second). The transducer was powered by a 700 Watt power amplifier
which was driven by an ultrasonic frequency generator. Because of
the large amount of power put into the column of water a certain
amount of evaporation took place at a constant rate when the
transducer was energized. Therefore, to maintain a standing wave in
the water column a feedback device caused the frequency to be raised
as the water evaporated and the temperature changed.
As a test, Dr. X decided to run through the experiment with only
water in the tube to insure that a standing wave was maintained as
the water evaporated and the frequency rose higher and higher. When
the experiment was started everything worked beautifully. Dr. X took
periodic readings of his instrumentation and was assured that the
standing wave was being maintained. Suddenly, with no warning
whatever the water disappeared from the open quartz tube. He looked
up thinking to see the water splashed on the ceiling when to his
amazement a clean hole went right through the ceiling. The hole was
the same size as the inside of the quartz tube. Further
investigation showed the hole continued on through the roof also!
Dr. X checked his notebook and found the last frequency entry to be
41,300 CPS. It was shortly after this that the water disappeared.
Because of the time interval between the last reading and the
disappearing water, the frequency sent to the transducer was higher
than the last reading and Dr. X said it could well have been very
close to 42,800 CPS, the Keely dissociation frequency. (11) This
obviously dangerous event caused Dr. X to dismantle the equipment and
try some other approach to his problem. This experiment points the
way to the use of our modern technology in conjunction with Keely's
laws of dissociation to change matter into energy without the use of
radioactive materials or extremely expensive atomic accelerators.
From Keely's first "accidental" dissociation of water, reducing
atoms to pure energy or etheric force as Keely called it, in 1866 to
his conscious ability to manipulate gravity, magnetism, electricity,
and controlled use of etheric force by 1898, when he was killed by a
streetcar, all was one long, sustained, herculean effort to bring a
humanity a costless motive power which would free man from drudgery.
Mrs. Moore described Keely's efforts from 1866 to 1880 as his "dead
work". (4) Every discoverer has to carry on a period of this dead
work. In this period the discoverer is building up his ideas,
experiments, and knowledge into an intelligible system, working out
the basic principles, and establishing a firm foundation upon which
to build a completed system. The work is not complete to the point
of ceasing experimentation and publishing the work to the world. The
work is not known to the world during this time; hence, it is not
alive, but dead.
By 1872, Keely had learned the laws of sympathetic vibration to
the extent of being able to dissociate water and air into etheric
vapor. Roughly translated into modern physics he was able to
HARMONIOUSLY change matter into pure energy<*. He was able to
generate pressures of 20,000 pounds per square inch and to use this
force to lift huge weights. Keely made the first truly "atomic"
cannon. It was a simple, old style mortar using a "charge" of
etheric force to send a lead projectile on its course. A refined
version of this cannon was demonstrated before members of the War
Department in 1884. (2) Their only comment was that it was too
complicated for them to understand.
During this dead work period, explosions occurred many times,
some harmless, others disabling Keely for weeks at a time. Using
sound vibrations to dissociate water, he was able to evolve almost
instantly a pressure varying from 10,000 to 20,000 PSI. This force
during some demonstrations was discharged into the air without the
evolution of heat in its production or cold when released into the
air. This showed to the skeptical scientists who observed the
demonstrations that the force was not simply compressed air as many
tried to claim.
The period from 1872 to 1882 absorbed all Keely's thoughts and
energies in developing an engine utilizing etheric force. Two years
were lost in efforts to devise automatic arrangements that would
enable Keely's machinery to be handled by any operator. During this
period Keely was at a loss to explain why he was having so much
difficulty in his development of a universally useable motor system.
At this critical juncture, Mrs. J. F. Hughes (grandniece of
Charles Darwin) heard of Keely's researches and sent him her book
"The Evolutions of Tones and Colours". The fllowing statement from
that book helped to re-direct Keely's efforts:
"The Law which develops and controls harmony,
develops and controls the Universe."
About the same time Mrs. Moore gave Keely Professor John MacVicar's
"Sketch of a Philosophy or Ether the True Protoplasm". These two
definitive books set Keely on a firm philosophical basis and raised
the veil that enabled him to manipulate gravity, inertia, cohesion,
momentum, electricity, and magnetism, plus many other forces Keely
* (author's note : Einstein's famous equation E=MC squared gives
the conversion formula to show the amount of
energy in a given mass.
There are several reasons why Keely's magnificent discoveries
are unknown today. Greed and selfishness of the stock manipulators
in the Keely Motor Company caused suspicion to be cast on Keely which
reduced his effective audience. Greedy investors tried to
commercialize Keely's discoveries too soon and hindered his every
step of progress.
Pride and jealousy from noted men of science, such as Sir
William Thompson and Lord Raleigh, who refused to witness the
production of Gther@c force, kept Keely from getting competen
supporters. Men of "science" seem to be slowest in recognizing
truths after they have been discovered, especially if the discovered
does not have recognized professional credentials. Keely had no such
credentials since he did not even finish high school. Two thousand
years elapsed between Pythagoras' (497 B.C.) discoveries and their
revival by Copernicus (1500 A.D.). Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) the
famous Danish astronomer, opposed the Pythagorean system to his
deathbed. Galileo (1564-1642) adopted it and demonstrated it in all
its purity. His reward was torture by the officials of the
Inquisition. It seems that those who espouse truth do so in the face
of possible death at the hands of those who will not see.
Keely was continually plagued by those who knew nothing of his
science. So-called reputable men of the scientific establishment
ridiculed and downgraded his efforts calling him a fraud and a liar
when they had not even extended him the courtesy of attending a
Keely's worst enemy, however, was himself. He was a poor
businessman. He allowed the stock manipulators to exploit his
discoveries and leave him penniless. His refusal to allow anyone to
touch his equipment caused any to accuse him of fraud. At first when
he did try to teach others to use his equipment and produce results
he was unsuccessful; but in 1884 he had established a thorough basis
for his discoveries and was able to build a Liberator which his
lawyer, Mr. Collier, and his lawyer's brother George, could operate
to produce etheric vapor. Until then it was required that Keely at
least place his hands upon an operator to make the equipment operate.
There were those who did see the truth of Keely's discoveries
and were honest enough to admit it to the world.
Major Ricarde-Seaver, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,
went to visit Keely in Philadelphia to convince himself as to the
real nature of Keely's accomplishments. After thoroughly examining
his system Ricarde-Seaver returned to England saying that "Keely was
working with, and had apparent command over forces, the nature, or
even the very existence of which, was absolutely unknown to him, and
so far as he is aware to modern science." (4)
Supporters of distinction included Professor Jeseph M. Leidy,
M.D., of Pennsylvania University, awarded Lyell Medal in 1884 when in
London and the Cuvier Award in 1888 from the French Academy of
Science when in France. Also James M. Wilcox, M.D., author of
"Rational Cosmology". They witnessed Keely's demonstrations of
sending etheric force through wires of gold, silver, and platinum,
and running various laboratory apparatus. After the demonstration the
wire was cut up and given to them for inspection. The wire was solid;
therefore, compressed air was not responsible. (4)
Among those who witnessed Keel's production of energy in 1872
were men who knew the worth of Keely's research and who furnished
him with money and encouraged him to persevere. The book Mrs. Moore
gave Keely led him to the conviction that he was in another road
infinitely more important than invention; namely, the source of life
and the connecting link between intelligence, will, and matter. when
he changed his goals from invention to pure research his progress was
almost uninterrupted.
Keely's original mistake was pursuing invention instead of basic
research. For 15 years Keely tried to build an engine using etheric
force as a motive power until he discovered that it is impossible
to use the ether in any other way than as a medium for other forces.
These forces have to do with the polar stream of the earth and are
tuned to by Keely's system of "sympathetic vibration" (i.e. by
resonance of certain harmonic chords). In following a course of
research in resonance phenomenon, Keely achieved a very advanced
understanding of the universe.
By 1885 Keely had almost complete command of all the known
forces of the phenomenonal universe. With his machinery he could
generate magnetism in any substance, levitate any substance by
controlling gravity, etherealize (reduce to energy) any substance and
accurately explain all the atomic forces known to our modern science
but unknown in his time. Keely was finishing his theory on color and
sound and could see the time when he would be able to publish his
system and have the proper apparatus for demonstration and analysis
of "all the progressive links of transmissive sympathy from the crude
molecular to the high etheric." Even the journals had ceased to
ridicule and some were stating to publish on the "possibilities lying
hidden in the discovery of an unknown force".
After a lifetime of researching the laws governing the
vibrations which produce etheric force, Keely believed that the power
he tapped was the governing medium of the universe. This force
controls the advance and recession of the sum and planets in their
movements across the heavens. It reigns in the mineral, vegetable,
and animal kingdoms and is the common fore regulating all.
Keely proved in demonstration that matter can be subdivided by
different orders of vibration. Each subdivision evolves entirely new
and distinct "elements". He was able to analyze seven distinct levels
of subdivision. Perhaps this is an affirmation of the occultists who
have proclaimed that there are seven levels of universal energy.
Present atom smashers with their billion volt power levels have
nothing new on Keely's harmonious control and subdivision of matter.
He showed that all sympathetic streams of energy are composed of
triple currents of vibratory flows. This applies to magnetic,
electric, gravital, and cerebelic (brain and mind) flows. These laws
govern all molecular masses from the innermost subdivision of the
atom to the galaxies and universe itself. These flows radiate from
suns and stars to planets on down the scale to the very core of the
atoms. Since these flows are vibrational in nature and tuned to their
respective spheres Keely believed this was the basis for the term
"music of the spheres".
Gravity is actually a triple connective radiation rather than a
flow. It is an eternally existing force entering all forms of matter.
Keely believed that gravity is the basic source form which all matter
Keely called the stream of energy coming into the earth at the
poles form the sun the polar stream. The three currents of force in
this poles stream are magnetism, electricity, and gravity. (4)
From all of Keely's experiments and research he determined and
wrote out a system of the vibratory conditions governing the
aggregation of energy into molecular structures and their resonance
relations to each other. (4) The bulk of his scientific treatises
have been lost to the world. Except for Mrs. Moore's biography on him
the world considers his system lost; however, Keely communicated the
basic laws of his system to his close friend, William J. Colville, a
publisher and student of metaphysics and a well-known author of
metaphysical literature. Colville embodied Keely's system into a
little-known metaphysical novel entitled Dashed Against the Rock.
It is a romance of a young "establishment" scientist who is led by
steps and stages to an acceptance of the laws governing mental
science. He is given instruction by a character who represents Keely,
Mr. Aldebran, a mystic and scientist who has delved deep into and
understanding of nature. The book contains over 40 new laws of
physics, Keely's molecule in diagram form as he saw it with his
vibratory microscope, plus many other insights into the activities of
life. The 40 laws supposedly represent Keely's system laid out in a
succinct codified exposition. Many of the laws mentioned were not
known at the time of the book's publication; however, they have since
been discovered by our modern science.
Dashed Against the Rock was and still is a tribute to a great
man who may have achieved a greater understanding of nature and her
laws than any man. It is now up to us to re-discover Keely's system
of vibratory physics to bring peace and free energy to a world in
great need.
1. "Investigations at the Keely Laboratory." Scientific American,
February 4, 1899, pg. 72-73.
2. "The Keely Motor Fraud." Scientific American, January 28, 1899,
pg. 56-60.
3. "Death of John Keely." Scientific American, December 1898,
4. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. Keely and His Discoveries, London:
Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Inc., 1893.
5. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. "Mr. Keely's Etheric Force."
Lippincott's, 1887, pg. 249-254.
6. Keely, John Worrel. "Latent Force." Lippincott's, 1891, pg. 639-
7. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. "The Keely Motor Secret." Lippincott's,
1887, pg. 300-309.
8. Encyclopedia Americana, 1973, pg. 333.
9. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. "Who Is The Greatest Genius of Our
Age?" Review of Reviews, July 1890, pg. 45.
10. "The Story of the Keely Myth." Review of Reviews, April 1899,
pg. 475.
11. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. "Aerial Navigation". The Arena, August
1894, pg. 386-395.
12. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. "Keely's Present Position."
Lippincott's, 1891, pg. 797-803.
13. Besant and Leadbeater, "Occult Chemistry". London: Theosophical
Publishing House, 1919.
14. "The Propeller Described," New Science Review, Vol. 1, 1895,
pg. 46.
15. Day, Langston, "New Worlds Beyond the Atom", London: Vincent
Stuart Pub., 1956.
16. Colville, William J., "Dashed Against the Rock", Boston: Colby
and Rich, Publishers, 1894.
17. Moritzen, Julius, "The Extraordinary Story of John Worrel
Keely", Cosmopolitan, April 1898, pg. 633-640.