Threadlike streams of "Electric wind"
Idea: if 1KV on a capillary tube far from ground can launch a droplet,
what happens if the tip of the capillary is very close to a tiny grounded
ring? Maybe the voltage needed to eject a droplet falls to 10V!
Alternately, if we put 100KV pulses on the capillary tip, or on the tiny
the droplets might moves so fast that they drill holes through a surface
when they hit. Or if a pair of these droplet-beams should collide, maybe
a tiny incandescent spot would appear suspended in space. Or at least a
hot spot. Or, with various gases or droplets present, "do chemistry" at
that one spot. Create tiny flames, if not HV discharge. (Try colliding
two threads in low-pressure argon environment, for low-volt visible
discharge spot.)
Dale T. remembers seeing air-threads directly: ghostly spiderwebs
springing from
the oily surface of a high voltage transformer. Perhaps small cusp-shaped
spots develop in the wet surface, and micro-droplets are spit from the
cusp by the e-field forces.
Possible experiment: produce an oil-based "air thread" inside a vac
chamber using vacuum pump oil. At a few hundred KV, would the impacts of
the oil droplets upon a surface produce visible light? Surface damage?
Are air-threads a kind of smoke? If a tiny patch of corona-plasma should
appear upon a conductive solid surface, the plasma's tiny "flame" could
ignite any oily debris and produce soot. Or perhaps no debris is needed,
and the plasma attacks the metal surface and produces particles of oxide
"smoke." Rather than streaming upwards like normal smoke, the charged
soot particles follow the e-field. Also, if the linear stream of charged
smoke tends to move fast and knock any intruding air molecules out of the
way, it might electromechanically "self focus", forming a narrow channel
of vacuum through the atmosphere.
Are they rows of Ken Shoulders' "EV" particles? But positive terminals
emit them too, and "EVs" are supposedly negative. Perhaps this is what
Nikola Tesla called his "death ray", narrow channels thinner than hair
which can be used to transport thousands of electrical horsepower. I need
to let them hit a high-impedance op amp terminal, then look at the
waveform and perhaps listen to it on audio, see if it's the pure DC of an
ion stream, or noisy because of large particles.
N. Tesla's "death ray": build a particle accelerator, but accelerate
macroscopic charged particles such as tiny oil droplets. Tesla apparently
used a VandeGraaff machine to accelerate the particles in his "death ray."
Why not use a Tesla coil to drive the beast (the alternating e-field will
cause the output beam to be chopped at the TC frequency, but then the
power supply will be physically small.) Use a row of AC accelerator
electrodes rather than just one electrode with a huge DC potential. If
the output beam is 0.1mm diameter and 1000 watts, what will happen if you
pass your fingers through it? Burns? Or a cutting effect? What happens
when tungsten smoke particles are accelerated to relativistic velocities?
Sounds like the monomolecular cutting-wire from the SF story THE THIN
Perhaps they are not ions at all. Perhaps they are tiny pieces of the
"emitter fiber" which are torn off by plasma bombardment or electrical
repulsion. If so, and if they have a high charge/atom, then they might
accelerate to *very* high velocities. They might tend to bore a hole in
the air, so that the following particles move in the "hollow wake" of the
leading particles. This would explain both their seeming high velocity
and their immunity to tangential air jets. Huh. Maybe when they play
upon my fingers, they are actually driving small particles deep into my
flesh. How to tell? Shoot some NaOH into some phenolthaline indicator?
Fire some Endotoxin through a thick glass plate and into some Limulus
blood, and see if it jells?
OUTBREAK OF VACUUM-FIBERS. [Jan 2011] Suppose the particles are atomic
clusters or
even single air ions. There may be a nonlinearity where fast particles
create a low-density channel in the air, and a low density channel allows
the electrostatic acceleration of particles to high velocity. These two
effects could cross-reinforce each other, then "collapse" into a very
narrow, very high vacuum "fiber" which is kept
cleared out of air molecules. Perhaps the moving particles would interact
with the air as if it were a wall, and bounce back and forth from the
channel walls, producing the pressure that keeps the channel open. If so,
then any "emitter" which produces a stream of ions or charged fragments
might also seed the growth of these "vacuum fiber" structures, sort of
like the inverse to the growth of dendritic crystals: vacuum whiskers
would be a self-assembling phenomenon produced by the positive feedback
between increased particle velocity and increased channel vacuum. What
then is the typical channel diameter? If it's controlled by the gas
physics rather than by the emitter diameter, the channel might have a
characteristic diameter!
Biological systems often make use of odd physical phenomena. The Earth
has a strong vertical e-field during storms. If fungi and flowers should
emit positively-charged spores and pollen, they could form "air threads"
and be lifted very high into the air. During non-storm conditions, plants
needing to emit chemicals through the boundary-layer could do so via
extremely sharp bristles jutting out into the environmental e-field.
The "threads" apparently move VERY fast for being made from air. Anything
this narrow should make instant turbulence. Turbulence uses the energy
stored in fluid shear. The shear in these thin threads must be titanic,
so where is the turbulence? They seem to be entirely laminar, yet some
are 50cm long, under 1mm wide, and move at 10KPH! I think it's normally
impossible to create an air-jet this long and this narrow. Something is
binding them together so the alike-charges don't spread. Something is
affecting their boundary layer and preventing immediate turbulent
disruption. Something is preventing them from drawing in more air along
their length and so growing into moving sausage-shapes of air rather than
moving filaments.
What the heck could these be used for? Grafitti launcher, ink-jet style?
Build a giant thread-generator, shave your head, don a white lab coat,
threaten the city, and go looking for superheros to fight with? A big
thread-launcher could do weird things to the airflow around a wing, or
could act as a silent electrostatic jet engine. Can you say "antigravity
I suspect that the tips of the air threads are causing dimples in the
surface of the water. If so, then sunlight can be used to see the spots.
Put the electrified tray in a sunbeam so that the water makes a bright
square patch of light upon the ceiling. Dimples in the water will appear
as black dots in the patch of light. (Tried this. Only the very largest
"threads" can create a visible dimple.)
Will the tiny air-jets distort the thickness (colors) of soap films? If
so, then make a big soap film on a hoop of wire, charge it up
electrically, and direct air-threads to it. The terminations of the
air-threads might be visible. Or perhaps the air-thread will just pop the
bubble. Idea: launch a thread through a cloud of alcohol vapor or
benzene, and if the thread can deliver the vapor to the soap film, the
effect will be very noticeable. Note: soap films are best viewed with a
dark background behind the film, and an illuminated white panel behind you
the observer. In looking at the film, you are seeing the reflection of
the white panel, with a dark background for good contrast. [ No, they
cause soap bubbles to pop. How about a raft of tiny bubbles, then let a
thread play across them and carve furrows of popped bubbles? ]
Suppose that air-threads are spewed outwards by a tiny tuft of electrical
plasma, of corona discharge. If the surface of this tiny hemisphere of
conductive plasma acts as an extension of the surface of the emitter tip,
then the field gradient at the borders of the plasma will be huge, and
ions of the same polarity as the emitter will be repelled outwards.
However, they cannot be emitted in ALL directions simultaneously because
this would lower the air pressure within the plasma, and isn't a stable
pattern. An analogy: when
particles are spread on water they sift gradually downwards, but the
situation is unstable, and a downwards-racing finger of heavy,
particle-laden water is expected to appear. As the ions try to leave the
thread-emitter electrode, I'd expect a narrow air jet to develop, where
negative wind
follows a narrow path, and neutral air is drawn into the base of the
plasma. A bit like the hot tip of an incense-stick launching a laminar
smoke-stream. A possibility: this needle-jet of negative air will alter
local fields at the tip of the plasma. If the fields are strong enough to
induce a ring of positive charge imbalance on the surface of the plasma
surrounding the jet, then the jet might spontaneously surround itself with
a sheath of
oppositely-charged ions. Without this sheath the jet might never be
narrow, since
the negative gas self-repels and expands. Yet the inertia of the inflowing
neutral gas makes the jet narrow. A combination of hydrodynamic and
electrical physics could combine to create an annular gas jet, a highly
charged negative core surrounded by an equally charged positive sheath.
Reverse the polarity of the emitter, and the jet still forms, but with
reversed polarity. The attraction of opposite gas charges would create
great pressures! If the geometry led to stability, then these pressures
would be in a direction which creates "structural strength", akin to the
forces which strengthen tempered glass and prestressed concrete. Charged
gas which behaves as a solid filament! Or maybe my above speculation is
entirely fantasy!!! :)
Are air-threads the same as the "plasma fingers" in plasma globe displays?
Threads are nitrogen, not argon/neon. And DC, not hi-freq AC. Glow
discharge in nitrogen is dim violet, in argon it is bright white. If I
put my whole mist-tray setup in an argon atmosphere, will I see glowing
white air-threads? Yet air-threads don't seem to writhe like
plasma-filaments do.
Something just occurred to me. The late atmospheric physicist Dr.
Bernard Vonnegut (yes, Kurt's brother), was of the opinion that tornados
are electric motors. It seems that there are mysteries surrounding
tornados, in particular, exactly where does the driving energy come from?
From what I've seen, Vonnegut's "electric motor" theory is dismissed by
colleagues and greeted with hostility in some arenas. Well, air-threads
provide a miniature model for what could be the engine that drives
tornados. The big question: are air-threads scale-dependent or not? Are
they like clouds, sparks, and watersheds, does the same geometry occur
with a wide variety of sizes? Or does their physics force them to always
appear as 1mm threads? If the current and voltage is cranked up higher,
does the length and more importantly, does the diameter of the air-threads
increase? If so, then what would happen if a very large air-thread formed
during a thunderstorm? Suppose it was a few meters across, and
transported air laminarly upwards at maybe 100KPH? Would not a vortex
form, especially at the area on the ground where the "hose mouth" of the
air-thread touched down? Probably! And the tornado vortex would NOT
extend upwards for miles. Instead there would be a gigantic transparent
air-thread up there in the sky above the tornado, acting like a vacuum
cleaner hose and transporting air in a uniform, non-rotating upwards
Even if air-threads don't form tornadoes, here's something else they might
do. If a giant air-thread was terminated on the ground, it would make a
gentle donut-shaped flow of air at the place where the air stream touches
down. I see these in the dry-ice mist. Suppose this occurred upon
another sensitive recording surface, say a WHEAT FIELD? Yeahhhh, that's
the ticket! The air-thread would stamp out a ring-shaped impression in
the wheat. Ah, but if this was occurring, the marks would not just be
circles in the crops, they would be lines and arcs caused by motion of the
air-thread across the ground. Oooo!, what happens during a lightning
strike, when the stormcloud e-field collapses suddenly? Perhaps a
pressure pulse travels down the giant air-threads. If these giant threads
are normally too feeble to affect the crops, then perhaps the electrical
pulse of a lightning discharge could drive the "rubber stamp" force and
make a mysterious mark.
David Wilkinson on sci.physics computational.fluid-dynamics tells me that the Reynolds number for similar flow in tubes is:
Therefor the air-threads may be
analogous to the laminar jet of smoke above an undisturbed cigarette. But
in this case the force is electrostatic, not bouyancy of warm air. Since
Re is proportional to diameter, and high Re causes turbulence (right?),
the tiny diameter of an air-thread can preserve laminar flow over greater
distances or greater speeds than can the larger diameter smoke stream
above a cigarette. Normal air jets are propelled by orifice pressure, and
they slow down forever after. An electrostatic jet wouldn't need a high
orifice velocity, since the e-fields keep if from slowing down from
viscosity along its length.
IDEAS TO TRY:These 'threads' might exist in the upper atmosphere of the Earth, being launched upwards from thunderstorms. However, the usual strength of the environmental e-field is approx. 100 V/M, while the air-threads I produce require approx. 5000 V/M. The question arises: can an air-thread survive in low-field conditions after being produced in a high-field region? Therefore try passing an air-thread through an aperture in a conductive plate, where the field near the emitter's tip is large ( 5KV/M or above,) while the uniform field on the far side of the plate is far lower (how low can it go before the thread is disrupted? Will the *gradient* at the hole tend to disrupt the thread, even if the low field would not?)
How large is the inertia of the core of the thread? In the above test
with the aperture plate, how far will the thread continue to move once it
penetrates into a region with no fields at all?
See if I can increase the thread-current without increasing the diameter.
If I launch the thread towards a metal plate with a small hole it it, then
I could put a large voltage between the thread-emitter and the plate, then
put a weaker field on the other side of the plate. This might form an
"thread gun" with high output current but with a fairly low voltage
between the emitter and the plate, and maybe not so much turbulence.
If the "threads" are clusters or droplets rather than ions, then maybe
they penetrate
surfaces they touch. Maybe I'm injecting hypervelocity carbon clusters
into my skin as I play with this seemingly-innocuous phenomenon. Try
wetting a fiber with fluorescine dye or carbon-black. SHOOT
air-thread on a geiger counter makes the counter respond, then I'll be
*certain* that I've got something weird here. But maybe the thread will
just punch a micro-hole through the alpha-window.
If a 60Hz AC drive creates successive (+) and (-) regions in the thread,
I could guide the thread past some AC accelerating electrodes, just like
a Linac. High velocity, but wo/megavolts needed. As Tesla said in his
"death ray" claims, large horsepower
concentrated over a tiny area. If a thread current was 10uA, and it went
through a 100KV voltage drop, the particles would deliver 1watt at the
microscopic impact point. With a series of properly-phased 60Hz
electrodes, I
could re-apply the 100KV many times to the thread. Will this create a
glowing dot at the termination point on a surface? Or will it act like a
water-jet cutter? Be careful not to snip fingers off, as with the
"monomolecular fiber" of science fiction fame!
Will threads be stopped by gold leaf? By glass membranes If they contain
clusters rather than drifting ions, maybe the velocity will send matter
through a thin barrier. Send an air-thread against a gold-leaf faraday
cage with a detector-electrode near the inner gold surface. Run the
thread-emitter at AC, and if an AC signal is detected inside the faraday
shield, then it indicates that charged particles are penetrating the
metal. (Might be easier to just use the GM tube as above, but
perhaps the particles will be too slow to trigger the avalanche
that makes the "clicks" in the output signal from the GM tube.)
If I could generate XY vector-scanned e-fields, then I could draw little
figures in my mist layer by using a rapidly scanned air-thread. Or big
figures in a wheat field? :) Use a 2-plate motorized rotating capacitor
to generate the 1hz quadrature AC field. Turn up the speed to see how
fast the threads can follow the changing fields. Maybe even build a
2-channel rotating drum "music box" capacitor with shaped foils, and as
the capacitor is turned, the X and Y output create the scanning pattern
for an entire word, written in cursive script! [ Briefly made an
"oscilloscope" with 5000VAC from small transformer, plus waving a charged
balloon. Produced nice sine-waves in a fog layer. ]
When I directed an upward negative air thread into the path of a downwards
positive air thread, the motions of the mist at the lower end became
greatly increased. Pos. and neg. streams interact! Try measuring the
current versus position as one thread is slowly scanned across the emitter
of an opposite-polarity thread.
My electrified plastic pen can push on an air thread. I wonder if a tiny
plastic hook could grab and manipulate a thread? Braid several threads
together! Or at least grab two and force them to cut through each other,
see what happens. Of course if an air-thread is akin to a stream of
smoke, then this won't happen.
Pushing on an air thread with an object causes the air thread to move. Is
the reverse occurring? Could a moving air-thread deflect a piece of hair,
or a glass fiber, or will it simply break and then re-form after the hair
has passed through
it? I'm imagining a horizontal air-thread which is threaded through a
tiny loop of very fine hair. Will the separated loop of hair then dangle
in space,
supported only by e-fields and by the air-thread, or will it simply fall
through the thread?
It might be possible to make an electrically-driven tornado. Suspend a
horizontal charged plate over oppositely-charged water, then arrange a
tiny emitter-needle to jut upwards from the water. If an air-thread forms
at the needle tip and sends air upwards, mist layer will be entrained with
the air flow. Perhaps incoming air will even start to spiral. TRIED IT
Another idea: smoke flow above an undisturbed cigarette is sensitive to
sound or vibration. So, use a small loudspeaker to pulse the air near
the air-thread emitter, then measure the speed of the pulse as it travels
down the thread.
Sharp and conductive fibers? How about carbon fibers? I have a Radio
Shack record cleaner brush which has VERY fine carbon fibers as bristles.
W. Shank on sci.electronics.design points out that tungsten wire if
evaporated in a propane flame will form an extremely sharp tip. If I can
crank up the current without needing immense voltage, then air-flow should
increase, making electrostatic tornado demonstrations feasible. (Maybe
use a cluster of sharp fibers, rather than one big one.)
The torn edge of paper creates a "sheet" of air-threads. Try tearing an
interesting pattern in the paper, see if it "stamps" this pattern onto the
mist layer like a cookie-cutter. Try rolling the torn paper into a circle
or triangular cylinder, see if this shape is "transmitted" to the mist
layer by the parallel air-threads. Try building "words" from torn,
edge-on paper, see if they are stamped into the distant mist-tray. Use a
much higher voltage, see if I can "transmit" a word across many feet of
If a row of torn-edge papers was arranged to cover a surface, then a long,
parallel, 2D array of airthreads would perforate the mist layer. If a
charged object was inserted into the region of air-threads, its
"electrical shadow" would appear in the mist. A shadow of a positive or
negative wire should "expand" or "contract" the population of parallel
air-threads. Serrated-edge paper might create orderly rows of mist-holes,
and e-field distortions in the 'test region' between the mist layer and
the paper edge array would be made directly visible. Tear the paper to
form a grid, then look for distortions in the grid. 6/15
A very thin, charged wire (such as a tungsten corona-wire from a
photocopier) might emit a uniform "sheet" of air-threads from the side.
If metal tips cause air-blasts and organic fibers do not, then try putting
a metal tip on one side of a 10M or 100M smt resistor. So, a metal tip,
but with large series R like an organic fiber.
Marking the threads, use fluorescine dye and 390nM laser, w/black
background. Or use fibers wetted with ink or carbon-black, see if a few
minutes of thread-impact will be visible on a white surface (or on a water
surface?) Under a microscope with UV strobe, perhaps a "frozen"
fluorescine droplet will be visible (add a high-freq electrode near the
emitter tip, to synch and stabilize the droplet emission.) Advance the
phase, to watch the droplets impact a surface, or collide two streams.
The sky-voltage during clear weather is supposed to be around 100v/meter.
If I could create volumes of negatively charged air at a sufficient rate,
this air would jet slowly upwards like a enormous air-thread inches or
meters in diameter. Would it remain stable and non-turbulent? Given
time, would it punch a hole in the cloud-deck?! Leave a long slot? If
so, then it should be
possible to build a large square array of ion-wind sources, and write on
the stratus clouds, dot-matrix style. But as the clouds move along, the
image would be blurred out as it swept along the clouds' surface. Ah,
what if I made a row of air-thread generators perpendicular to the wind
direction? Then by flipping a switch I could sweep a clear swatch across
the clouds (convert mist into rain?) and thereby turn on the sunshine!
Direct simple weather modification technique. Rain-making which actually
works! Oh, much worse idea:
By turning the generators on and off in a pattern, I could WRITE ON THE
SKY. "Drink Pepsi". "NIKE" Heh heh. 6/15
A giant air-thread generator would take the form of a large-area
perforated plate having a single insulated needle pointing out of each
perforation, with the needle tip below the plane of the plate. Needle, or
carbon-tuft, or hot tungsten, or radioactive pellet, as neg ion emitters
(or pos. ions.) Ground the
plate, put HV on the needles. If made in the shape of a disk, charged air
would move through the plane of the array and upwards, and perhaps the air
entrained into the surface of the resulting cylinder of air would force
the jet diameter to contract. If the array was built in the shape of a
bowl or a cone, with the mouth facing upwards, this jet-contraction effect
would be assisted. It resembles a burning pool of gasoline, with flames
from the surface all rushing inwards to a central rising column. If slow
and laminar, an "air thread" should be launched upwards from the device.
Perhaps this is how ALL air-threads arise, since Yost's micrography
reveals that the plasma at the tip of an air-thread generating whisker
looks like a trumpet mouth, with the air-thread being launched from the
axis of the mouth. 6/15
Ooo! Ooo! Idea! When an air-thread lands on the mist layer, it seems to
cause mist droplets to adhere to each other and to the water surface. If
projected into a mist cloud, it should cause the mist to collapse into
rain. Possibly. Must try it with a descending cloud of dry-ice fog or
sonic humidifier fog. If so, then I can start a "rainmaker" service just
like charlatans of old. But my linear array of gigantic flute-mouth ion
generator needle beds would be no scam, it would actually turn clouds into
rain! Set up a row of ion generators to create a "wall" of huge
air-threads, and downwind of the wall the clouds would be gone. (Insert
maniacal mad-scientist laughter here, which goes on for much longer than
is mentally healthy.) 6/15
When a needle in the mist shoots an air-thread upwards, does the dark core
extend through the turbulence, or does it become turbulent itself? A
sweeping laser could make the cross-section visible. If the dark core
survives the turbulent cloud, it should appear as a stable black dot in
the roiling mist section.
If air-threads are up to 2.5 feet long with only 10KV, how long will they
be if I use a VDG generator at 500KV? [Easily a couple of meters,
w/200KV VDG near the fog-tray on the kitchen table.]
If I place a block of dry ice on the sphere of a VDG machine, will it
launch straight streamers of mist which follow the field lines?
If it's possible to send threads and sheets of ion flow from either
electrode, what will the threads look like when + and - come together from
opposite directions? Will two threads, if they arrive tangentially, tend
to create a vortex disk? Will sheets of air- threads tend to create a
tiny tornado? Try using tangentially-aimed paper edges affixed to each
electrode plane, see if a tornado forms in the center. Or shoot dry-ice
mist upwards and clear air downwards, see if a rotating structure will
form. 6/16
Analogy: if crystals of CuSO4 stick to the surface of water, they launch
tendrils of blue water downwards. Is this analogous to air-threads, but
with gravity and solute rather than e-fields and ions? If so, why do the
ion threads stand up to powerful air-jets? The streams of blue water
certainly are carried by any water motions, even though they are denser
than the water.
A neon lamp will detect tiny sub-microamp flows. With a capacitor in
parallel, it responds with periodic bright flashes rather than a dim glow.
Connect a neon lamp to a small metal sphere as an 'air thread' detector
(use a sphere because the sharp wires from the lamp might themselves
generate air-threads) An array of metal thumbtacks supported in a plastic
plate, each connected to a neon lamp, would act as an air-thread detector
panel. Pair it with an air-thread emitter panel to view the shadows of
charged objects. Pre-charge the neon electrodes just below 90VDC firing,
via 100M or 1G resistors. Or maybe use resistors, op-amps, and LEDs as
the detector panel? This could be horizontal, while the mist-tray
detector cannot. 6/18
An ion stream rising in a vertical e-field is analogous to warm air rising
through the atmosphere in a gravitational field. Rising clouds of ions
MIGHT look just like the smoke from a factory chimney. However, there is
a difference. Bouyancy forces affect large populations of molecules,
while electrostatic forces affect individual ions. At large scales there
should be no difference, but at the micro-scale there is a great
difference. Since turbulence grows from 'seeds' at the micro scale, then
perhaps turbulence behaves differently for hot air than for clouds of
ions. Perhaps a cloud of ions can form a narrow, fast-moving,
nonturbulent stream, whereas a cloud of hot air would turn into a wide,
slow, turbulent cloud like that appearing over a large fire (or like
thunderstorm clouds.) If this is so, then a large ion generator could
create a narrow stream which would reach upwards and bore a hole in the
clouds. A hot air generator such as a fire would generate an expanding
turbulent cloud which would drift away under the control of the weather
motions present. 6/18
If I fill the air with incense smoke, perhaps the paths of the air-threads
will become visible. Or perhaps not. However, if these threads are a
flow of air, then they should entrain the smoke and carry it to the water
surface. If instead of water I should use damp paper, then perhaps the
pattern of threads will drive smoke into the paper surface and leave black
dots, as with charged metal book-shelves placed against a white wall. The
paper sign" might allow the incense smoke to write upon
the paper! Hey, if I spray some spraypaint into the air which contains
the threads, perhaps they will carry the paint droplets to the paper. 6/22
If I charge a large, slightly damp sheet of paper, then stand a couple of
feet in front of it, won't the pattern of threads be "stamping" the shape
of my body into the paper? If a helper should spray some paint into the
air between myself and the paper, will an image of my body hairs appear on
the paper as the threads carry the paint along? 6/22
Thunderstorms act to charge the earth/ionosphere capacitor, while the
ionization of air by cosmic rays acts as a leakage resistor. A single
person could not hope to match the net cosmic ray ionization in the
atmospheric volume. However, ions from cosmic rays must individually make
their way against the resistance of neutral air, and there are as many
positive ions going downwards as negative ions going upwards (so no net
air motion and very slow ion flow.) If I provide a few amps of ion
emission at the earth's surface, perhaps a "chimney effect" column of
negative ions will reach upwards and act to discharge the entire
earth/ionosphere capacitor. 6/22
Then CHOP the ion-emitter, to produce AC which a step-down transformer
could intercept? Or, just drive some wind-turbines with the
chimney-flow, always running even in windless conditions.
Air-threads seem to impact water surfaces, but what would happen if
one hits a hole in a charged metal plate? Will inertia carry it very
far? Will it fall apart? Will it loop around and hit the back side? 6/24
[ If sent through the hole of a grounded bundt-cake ring, the thread
persists for many cm! ]
How thin are they? If a thin wire (or carbon fiber) is held just above a
metal plate and an air-thred is scanned across it, will the pulse of
current in the narrow wire give a clue as to the air thread diameter, or
will the wire interfere too much? 6/24
If interrupting the ground connection allows the drawing of dotted lines
in the mist, how big a voltage pulse, if applied to the grounded whisker,
will also make dotted lines? Maybe even a low voltage could affect it?
Connect the whisker to 120Vac, see if this affects the furrows in the
mist. Put a ring electrode near the whisker so that 120V gives a bigger
volts/meter, while on the other side of the ring, the H.V. DC supply
accelerates the thread's particles as usual 6/24
Crank the 120VAC up and down w/variac, also try summing it with the DC of
an existing air-thread, to see how much voltage it takes to turn the
thread on and off.
How brief a pulse can be sent along an air-thread? Maybe they can be used
to transmit audio! World's stupidest way to make a reverb system. But
brief pulses could be used to explore the speed of thread-particle flow.
Neon bulbs light up at very small current. Send an air-thread current
through an NE-2, see if it glows.[TRIED THIS, NOTHING. EVEN IN TOTAL
DARKNESS, NOTHING] Put a small capacitor across the leads, see if it
The air-thread explores the surface of an object like a conductive finger.
Maybe dirt, ink, etc., on the surface will alter the current. Scanning an
air-thread across my skin might give a "resistance photograph" of the skin
surface. Pick up the signal, as e-field changes near the surface.
At .5 uA, a 20uA D'Arsonval microammeter barely budges, while a DVM (200mV
setting) in series with the microammeter it indicates full scale. If I
treat my DVM as a current meter, then 200mV/10meghoms gives 0.1nA
resolution! 100mV is really 10nano-amps! Easy to blow out the DVM
Since the threads follow the e-field lines, what would happen if I
positioned an oppositely-charged plate on the table adjacent to the
charged mist tray and placed objects upon it? The field lines should
connect the surfaces together in smooth arcs. Any emitter-covered object
which is placed on the charged plate should "appear" in the mist,
simultaneously stamped there by the parallel air-threads. Perhaps I
didn't have to hold that paper triangle ABOVE the mist. I could have
placed it on the table near the tray.
Analogy: charged particles rising up through the atmosphere might be like
smoke rising from a stack. Then again, since the force on each ion could
be large in comparison to the air friction holding it back, the cloud of
ions might act like an ascending cloud of bubbles, or like a descending
cloud of hail or rain. Rain doesn't billow turbulently like smoke, rain
tends to form downward jets in a curtain-pattern, where air is entrained
with the rain and the entire system appears laminar.
Giant air-threads marked with mist or smoke, driven upwards by e-fields,
we could chop them, so they rise as a visible dotted line, Morse code. Or
do ten or hundred streams, for rising dot-matrix artwork or words.
Industrial smoke staks (emitting white plumes) can make straight vertical
columns if a giant smoke-ring machine is added. Maybe the same can be
accomplished by using charged steam, where the 300V/M sky-field is
eliminating turbulent breakdown, and accelerating the plume.
How fast is the "startup," if HV is suddenly applied to the plate? Can we
watch the little mist-holes appear, after a slight delay? Try 1KV, try
300KV (spark drive,) and does this vary the speed of the thread-tip? Does
the thread have a "tip structure," or does it gradually increase itself,
after an invisible nano-thread first becomes established?
What happens if first we establish a thread, then later spark the mist
tray with 300KV. Will it make a visible spot in the water? Or even make
ripples? Or even punch a thin air-hole into the surface?
Use reflected point-source light (or Schlieren camera) to look for
deflections of the water surface. Or, add a rainbow oil-film rather
than dry ice, and look
for distortions in the colored bands. Or, use wetted alcohol to create
the air thread, and if alcohol touches oil rainbows, huge distortions are
expected (as compared to mechanical stirring, wo/alcohol involved.)
Rainbow oil-flms cannot pop like the bubbles did!
Make a thread-launcher for oil droplets. On water, it should create an
expanding silvery blotch, then later, rainbow bullseye pattern. How fast
does a visible blotch expand?
At some high voltage, the droplets should penetrate water, penetrate gel,
penetrate human skin. So, use tattoo ink. Or fluorescine dye. We can
use scanning-electrodess to silently deposit tattoos at a distance?
(Also, at such high voltage, will the penetration of water be dragging
some air, and make a visible reflective spike-bubble within the water? )
Painless tattoos. Or, maybe we can feel the air threads. If not, try
your wet eyeball as a more sensitive detector.
If they don't disturb incense-smoke (the incense must have metal shield
around it,) Try the "halted smoke" demo, with two acrylic plates 1mm
apart or closer, and heat-lofted smoke patterns trapped between. One
plate colored black, the other transparent. If a thread can be
guided through the gap between, it should stir the "thick glue" of air in
the boundary layer.
Is the emitter-tip ablated? Try a single eyelash hair, but run it for
hours or days, to see if the hole in the fog will slowly change. Try
covering the tip with N2 flow. Then with O2 flow. (And might as well
try argon gas as well.)
If we have a detector, such as a CMOS op-amp, then the large-droplet
threads should be heard as a constant-tone, a whine. The smoke-type
threads of nanoparticles might be silent (and so, serve as an information
carrier if modulated with a "grid electrode.")
They reliably pop bubbles. I cannot believe that I've never tried making
single-layer bubble-rafts with an air-stone from an aquarium. The threads
should carve long slots in the bubbles? Or, pop individual bubbles, to
create "missing cells in the crystal."
Those little 10KV power supplies have a Vctrl input. Connect it to a
slow triangle-wave source, sweep it at 1Hz. (If the output capacitance is
then draw 1mA by adding a 10M resistor in parallel, so the multiplier gets
pulled down fast enough when turned off. But that's a 10W resistor! No,
it's one watt, so, 100M ohms. For 250mS rise, it's 0.0025uF. If it's
actually 1000pF output capacitance, then it needs a 250M ohm, half watt,
as pulldown resistor. )
DC physically carries AC! Very weird: DC in this case is CREATING a
lengthening conductor in the form of an air-thread. If AC is impressed on
it, then energy is sent along the conductive stream. DC creates the
"wire", then AC uses it as a path. Turn off the DC, and the AC current
vanishes too, since the "wire" will fade away. (Or does the AC travel at
the speed of the thread particles, rather than propagating as waves on a
slow-moving flow?)
How low can the voltage go, yet sharp carbon fibers still create
airthreads? If it works at 50cm and 10kv, it should work at 5cm and 1kv,
or even at 120VDC with half a centimeter spacing?! Maybe I could "launch"
a thread with a low-voltage "gun" assembly, then accelerate it as usual
with a "DC aquadag" electrode? 7/28/98
Dotted line: if the air-thread remains undisrupted when charge density is
"rippled" by putting AC on the H.V. supply, then maybe some external
could linearly accelerate the particles within the
thread with timed electrostatic pulses. Put a ripple on the thread, then
drag the ripple along like a stepping motor rotor. Rather than using a
huge accelerating potential, do it with AC like a Linac! First generate
a thread by using a whisker and a disk with a hole, then accelerate it
by using a stack of disks with AC polarity and gradually increasing
gaps! If the stream doesn't go turbulent at 2 meters/sec, exactly how
fast can it go? 7/28
Ultra-slow air-threads. Just send them between two close-spaced glass
sheets w/surfaces covered with electrodes (inner surf? outer? Both? Or
try narrow tubes! Charged tube, for gas-focusing effect?) At 1mm
plate-spacing, the air acts like syrup, or even solid.
We could STOP the air-threads on demand, to store data in the thick
boundary-layer. Use fluorescent dyes, to make a video display. Or with
very dense air-threads, use inks, like e-paper but with the colored
droplets suspended in viscous boundary-layer air.
![]() Fig. 7 A lone dry-ice chip leaves a mist trail across the charged water. Imagine that this is Cirrus clouds in the sky. Can a ground-based ion generator write on the sky, as my distant fingertips do here?
Next: make a smoke-box and see if I can see the "threads" directly, or
look for their shadows in the spread-out light from a laser with a lens