Digi-Key Corp.
701 Brooks Ave. South
P.O. Box 677
Thief River Falls, MN 56701-0677
(800) 344-4539
(218) 681-6674
www. digikey. com
Easylink: 62827914
Telex II: 9103508982 "DIGI-KEY CORP"
Fax: (218) 681-3380
Highly recommended. Fair prices,
very *fast* shipping, monthly
Gateway Electronics
9222 Chesapeake Dr.
San Deiego, CA 92123
Components, etc. Blue PNP film for
making PC boards with photocopy
Gateway Electronics
2220 Welsch Industrial Ct.
St. Louis, MO 63146
800- 669-5810
www. gateway electronics. com
Halted Specialties Co. (HSC)
3500 Ryder Street
Santa Clara, CA 95051
www. halted.com
+1-800- 4-HALTED Orders only
+1-408- 732-1573 inside California and outside US
Components, surplus
electronics, computer periphs.
Future Electronics
www. future- active.com/
Large supply catalog (mostly semi)
Jameco Electronics
1355 Shoreway Rd.
Belmont, CA 94002
(415) 592-8097
www. jameco.com
Telex: 176043
Fax: (415) 592-2503
Cheap PC source, some electronics
components, ICs, etc. Cheap
prototyping boards, power supplies, etc.
JDR Microdevices
110 Knowles Dr.
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(800) 538-5000
(408) 866-6200
Telex: 171-110
Fax: (408) 378-8927
Cheap PC source, some electronics
TTL, Linear ICs
Magnet Sales
1-800- 421-6692
www. magnetsales. com Get their catalog.
All sorts of magnets, ceramic
alnico, neodymium.
Mendelson Electronics
340 E First St
Dayton, OH 45402
www. meci.com
800- 344-4465
fax 937-461-3391
Surplus in Dayton
Mouser Electronics
2401 Hwy. 287 North
Mansfield, TX 76063
(800) 346-6873
(800) 992-9943 (to order a catalog)
(201) 328-3322
Fax: (817) 483-0931
www. mouser.com
Another good new-parts catalog.
Newark Electronics
www. newark.com
Large electronics supply catalog
NTE Replacement Semi
www. nteinc. com/
Cross reference for transistors
Proto-Pic UK
RelChron Limited
Units 21-22 Business Centre, Myregormie Pl.
Mitchelston Indus. Estate
Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland, UK, KY1 3NA
+44 (0) 1592 572093
www. proto-pic.co.uk/
Hobbyist parts, prototyping
American Microsemi
//www. american microsemi. com
Obsolete/ discontinued semis
Unicorn Electronics
1142 State Route 18
Aliquippa, Pa. 15001
800- W824-3432
unielect@ aol.com
Interesting audio- storage and
other unique ICs
West Florida Components
PO Box 2645
Tarpon Springs, FL 34688-2645
www. westflorida components. com/