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SIMPLE PROJECTSLast year, I did a diffusion project. One idea is you put three people evenly seperated in a room, and then spray some kind of scent liquid. Then time how long it takes for each person to smell it. Another idea is to time how long it takes for food coloring to go through water. Fill a clear glass with water and put two or three drops of food coloring in. This project is really cool as you watch it. PS>I got a good grade on it!Caitlin Kennett Square, PA USA - Monday, December 30, 1996 at 09:12:45 (PST) Take a two bowls and put cold water in one and hot water in the other. Then take to bottles and put ballons on them. You'll have to figure out the results. Angela Brown Ft. Rucker, Al USA - Friday, December 27, 1996 at 11:53:46 (PST) Need a good science project? Well how about seeing which diaper holds more moisture? Right Cody? Yeah you it's me! Eric J. Snow, WA USA - Sunday, December 15, 1996 at 08:47:08 (PST) Which conducter works best? nathan sanabria <RAT BOY705> carpentersville, IIL USA - Wednesday, December 11, 1996 at 17:29:55 (PST) Pop corn Poppin' A good project is to take three piles of the same amount of pop corn (count it out) and put one pile in room temperature, one in the freezer, and one in the refridgerator. Leave them in there for asbout 1 hour or so. Take them out and pop each pile at a time. When you're done you count how, many kernals were un-popped. This got a 4th place ribbon which is very good for my school. Good luck! Jessica Roeckel St. Pete, FL USA - Sunday, December 08, 1996 at 11:52:32 (PST) Do a project involving color or the light spectrum. JIVC <joe@> Joestown, MI USA - Monday, December 09, 1996 at 16:13:12 (PST) |
MEDIUM DIFFICULTY PROJECTSLast year a friend and I wanted to see why Ravioli cooked in the microwave seemed to cool down quicker than when it was cooked on the stove top. So we set up our project comparing microwave cooking and conventional cooking. We used water as our control, then tested chunky soup, instant oatmeal, and baking potatoes to see if the food cooked in the micowave stayed hot as long or longer than conventional methods. It was easy to do and the best part was the sleepovers to complete the experiments and eating the results. We were in the 6th grade and went all the way to state competition with it. Have fun and try it with your favorite foods.Steph <spence@cajun.net> Houma, LA USA - Monday, January 06, 1997 at 11:39:34 (PST) In 5th grade I did "Wood, Put to the Test" where I tested how much pressure different kinds of wood can take. We used 8 kinds all cut to the same size, length, and shape. Then we used a scale and pushed the strips of wood across a base 1" thick until it broke. Each type was tested twice. This got me a 2nd at 5 County CO-OP (I missed 1st by 1/2 point). E-mail me for more details. Daniel Shelton <advantag@ims-1.com> MO USA - Wednesday, January 01, 1997 at 18:54:34 (PST) Hi! I am thinking of making heat-sensored water faucets. Faucetts? Oh well, I am thinking of putting a heat-sensitive substance on faucetts that will change color with the heat from the water. This way you don't have to put your hand under the running water and burn yourself. :) Bryce L. Egbert <s0533@engl.sfis.nebo.edu> Woodland Hills, UT USA - Thursday, December 12, 1996 at 11:42:03 (PST) I'm going to see if I can make and mass-produce glo-in-the-dark paint! It could be used instead of reflectors. It would be more efficient. Allen Jackson Spanish Fork, Ut USA - Wednesday, December 11, 1996 at 10:57:40 (PST) I did mine on what materials best insulate a room for sound. I Built a miniture wall with sheet rock and two-by-fours. Then filled the colomns with different materials. And struck the wall on one side and used a sound meter from Radio Shack to see how loud it was. Wesley Warren Pampa, TX USA - Tuesday, December 10, 1996 at 20:59:56 (PST) An old but good project, All insulations insulate, but is there a point at wich they stop? To set up a testing box, make several sguares out of wood. They can all be connected. Make holes in the top ofeach box large enough to fit a light bulb and fixture. Get enough fixtures to have one on every box. Then put one section of insulation in one box, two in the next, tree, etc. Note the temperaters once a day and you should be able to note the point where the temperatures stay constant. Jessica Rymer Avon, CO USA - Thursday, December 05, 1996 at 16:25:59 (PST) Test wether heat will change the magnetic field patterns in a standard horse-shoe/bar magnet. Aja Vogelman <N/A> Avon, Co USA - Thursday, December 05, 1996 at 16:09:11 (PST) |
ADVANCED PROJECTSThe best ever. Crashed at distric do to terible judge. It is a Wimshurst Machine. I built one it makes static electricity.Joel V. <>> OH USA - Thursday, December 26, 1996 at 20:28:22 (PST) I am trying to improve the baby monitors. I thaught about making the reciever an ear piece with a strong range. This could enable people to go outside and still use the monitors. I think by using a 900 megahertz chip I may accomplish my goal. This could be used in every home in america. If anybody could help me, I'd like it. Brian Simmons <s1544@engl.sfis.nebo.edu> Spanish Fork, UT USA - Wednesday, December 11, 1996 at 11:38:14 (PST) A STACTIC ELECTRICITY GENERATOR. MATERIALS... - A LAUNDRY DETERGENT BOTTLE - A COAT HANGER - ONE BOARD THAT IS LONGER THAN THE DETERGENT BOTTLE - TWO BOARDS THAT ARE THE SAME SIZE THAT ARE SMALLER THAN THE LONG BOARD - A SIX INCH PVC PIPE - A STOOL - TWO DOWELS THE SAME SIZE ABOUT 2 INCHES TALL -- FIRST OF ALL NAIL THE TWO SMALL BOARDS TO THE END OF THE LONG BOARD. THEN YOU DRILL A HOLE THROUGH THE TWO SMALL BOARDS. THEN YOU MAKE A HOLE IN THE BOTOM AND TOP OF THE DETERGENT BOTLE .THEN BEND THE COAT HANGER SO IT MAKES IT LOOK LIKE THIS |____________ ___ THEN YOU STICK IT INTO THE HOLES YOU MADE IN THE BOTTLE AND GLUE THEM SO THEY'RE SNUG. WHILE IT IS DRYING YOU MIGHT WANT TO SCREW THE TWO DOWELS TO THE SIDE OF THE PVC PIPE AND THEN SCREW THEM ONTO THE BOARD. AFTER THAT YOU WOULD WANT TO COVER THE PVC PIPE WITH TIN FOIL BUT LEAVE ONE END RIPPLY, THEN PUT THE BOTTLE IN AND BEND THE TIN FOIL SO IT JUT BARLEY TOUCHES.THEN STAND ON THE STOOL,TURN THE CRANK AND TOUCH THE FOIL. JOHN <MTSCHOM@AOL.COM> EDINA, MN USA - Tuesday, November 26, 1996 at 14:11:53 (PST) |