Jon’s homeschooling page: mailing lists
You can subscribe to the email listserve HOME-ED by sending this:
subscribe home-ed youremailaddrhere.
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To turn off the listserve, send this:
unsubscribe home-ed
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To get the "info" file, send this:
info home-ed
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To send messages to all the members of the list, send them to:
>>>> info home-ed
[Last updated on: Sat Apr 5 17:41:01 EST 1997]
(Last modified 16 September 1996)
This message contains information on the following:
* How to post to home-ed.
* How to subscribe to home-ed or the home-ed digest.
* How to unsubscribe from home-ed or the home-ed digest.
* The topics of discussion you'll find on home-ed.
* Posting guidelines.
* Where to find more information.
Please read this message before posting to home-ed. Save this message
so that you can refer to it later if you have questions about home-ed.
To send a message to all of the subscribers on home-ed, send
email to
To subscribe to home-ed, send email to
with the following command in the body of the message:
To unsubscribe from home-ed, send email to
with the following command in the body of the message:
To subscribe to the abridged home-ed digest (edited for direct relevance
to home education), send email to with the following
command in the body of the message:
subscribe abridged home-ed-digest
To unsubscribe from the abridged home-ed digest, send email to with the following command in the body of the message:
unsubscribe abridged home-ed-digest
To subscribe to the unabridged home-ed digest, send email to with the following command in the body of the message:
subscribe unabridged home-ed-digest
To unsubscribe from the unabridged home-ed digest, send email to with the following command in the body of the message:
unsubscribe unabridged home-ed-digest
The home-ed list is an open forum for discussion of issues related
to homeschooling. The topics that you'll find on home-ed include the
* Reasons for homeschooling.
* How to help a child learn to read.
* How to help a child learn math.
* Learning experiences of homeschooling families.
* Philosophical discussions about learning.
* Picks and pans of various learning materials.
* How to design or select a homeschooling curriculum.
* Interest-initiated learning.
* Unit studies.
* Parenting issues.
* Philosophical discussions that seem only tangentially
related to homeschooling.
* Practical discussions about family projects, hobbies,
and outings.
* Social banter.
* Pure fluff.
The folks on home-ed hold diverse views about education, child rearing,
politics, religion, and television. The diversity on the home-ed list
is one of its major strengths. All viewpoints are welcome on home-ed.
When posting, please be aware that others on this list hold beliefs very
different from your own. We have a lot to learn from one another. A
little tolerance and common courtesy go a long way towards making the
home-ed experience pleasant for everyone.
The home-ed list is an *open* forum for discussion of issues related
(either directly or tangentially) to homeschooling. Many of the
subscribers are students in the school of life and thus consider
everything to be grist for the homeschooling mill.
Many of the subscribers have been on home-ed for years and have formed
friendships with others on the list. For many of us, the home-ed list
is our major homeschooling support group. So, yes, we do care about
new babies and birthdays and career changes and health updates.
The home-ed list can fill your mailbox quickly. If you find the flood
of messages overwhelming or would prefer to do without the off-topic
banter, there are two digest options for the list. The abridged digest
is edited for direct homeschooling relevance; the unabridged digest
includes everything posted to the list. (See Home-Ed List Basics above
for information on how to subscribe to either digest.)
Although the home-ed list is an open forum, all submissions to home-ed
go through a filter program before being reflected to the list. The
filter program holds messages that look like advertisements or
unsubscription requests. The held messages are then reviewed by a
human assistant and the relevant ones are reflected to the list. David
reviews the held messages as soon as he can, but sometimes they sit for
a few days because he is away from his computer.
If you are subscribed to the home-ed list and your mail bounces for more
than a few days, you will be automatically unsubscribed. If you suspect
that this has happened, send mail to to find out if
you are still subscribed to the list.
The home-ed list digests are copyright (c) 1997 by David Mankins
( The authors of the messages submitted to
home-ed retain the original copyrights to their contributions.
You may not redistribute home-ed posts or digests or place them in
any publicly-accessible archive without the written permission of
the copyright holders.
(courtesy of Emaily Post)
As with finger-bowls, there are proper ways to use this medium and
not-so-proper ways to use this medium. The following are some of
the proper ways to use this medium:
* This is a written medium. Others will judge you at least
partially by your spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
* Keep your line length short. Long lines are difficult
to follow.
* Include white space between paragraphs.
* When you reply to a post, trim the included text to the
minimum needed to set the context for your reply.
* Send personal replies privately rather than to the list.
* If the subject wanders from the original topic, edit the
subject line so that it matches the content of your post.
* Remain civil at all times.
* Confine your criticisms to ideas rather than to individuals.
Remember that the other posters are real, live people with real,
live feelings.
* Sleep on angry or inflammatory posts.
* Take private disagreements to email.
* Don't drink out of the finger-bowls.
I'm working on various FAQs for the home-ed list. In the meantime,
I suggest looking at Jon's Homeschooling page:
Send comments about the home-ed list to David Mankins (
Send comments about this welcome message to Heather Madrone
Created and maintained by Bill
Beaty. Mail me at: