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1996 William Beaty

Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 18:11:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: William Beaty 
Subject: Prometheus game (fwd)

On Tue, 27 Aug 1996, Zack Widup wrote:

>         "Entering research to tap the zero-point energy is playing
> what I call the Prometheus game. In mythology, Prometheus gave
> fire to man, and for this the Gods punished him for eternity.  An
> inventor who believes he alone is giving 'free energy' to mankind
> is a pawn in this game.  If his invention is successful, he will 
> find himself under attack and ridicule. How can one safely play 
> and win the game?"
>         "The answer lies within your higher self.  Ask yourself
> the following question: If you were an angel who had the knowledge
> to seed the discovery of free energy on planet earth, would you love 
> this planet and its beings enough to share your gift without any 
> reward or recognition?  If you can answer yes, then you are a master
> of the Prometheus game and you will find, as I have, that wonderful, 
> synchronistic events and experiences accrue that yield inspiration
> and guidance.  For in actuality you ARE that angel." ...
  [Moray B. King, in TAPPING THE ZERO-POINT ENERGY, ISBN 0-9623356-0-6
   Paraclete Publishing 1989]

Excellent quote!

The "free energy" arena is like no other.  The forces arrayed against its
development create a set of rules which is very different than those of a
mature field where new discoveries are logical extentions of earlier ones.
"Free energy" work is more akin to the discovery of powered flight than to
the creation of useful products. 

If we look at the details of the history of the Wrights, we find that 
their discovery was ALMOST suppressed.  Numerous other inventors were 
building devices, but they were based on some faulty wing research and 
none of them worked well.  At the same time, mainstream science was 
sneering at all these obviously ignorant flying machine inventors.  
Claims of success were met with accusations of hoax and refusal to inspect 
evidence.  The Wrights spent more than a year testing their device in an 
open field near highways and rail lines, yet the local papers published 
nothing.  After two canceled demos caused by bad weather, the papers 
refused to send any reporters to check the story. The public watched the 
many flights, but the papers treated their many questioning letters as a 
nusiance.  The Scientific American and NY Herald rejected the Wrights' 
claims as hoaxes, saying that, if their claims were real, it would already 
be in all the papers(!)  Scientists turned away, referring to Newcomb's 
science paper which proved that flight was impossible using known power 

What broke the barriers?  Breaking of secrecy, for one.  The Wrights 
published their early glider designs in a flying-machine inventor's 
magazine.  Their glider patent gave all the details Numerous hobbyists, 
mostly in France, started building boxkite-winged machines based on the 
articles and patent, and started making straight line flights of many 
hundreds of feet.  The presence of this crude, simple competition forced 
the Wrights to finally take their plane before the public in France, which 
caused a worldwide uproar and opened the floodgates.  They became famous 
beyond their wildest dreams, but financially they only did well, and did 
not attain fabulous riches.

I'm fairly convinced that, had the Wrights stayed secretive, pursued
riches, and never published, they probably would have taken their secrets
to the grave.  The barriers against new discoveries are that strong.  Many
modern inventors would say that the Wrights made a mistake, they should
have kept their secret, and that screwed-up mankind didn't deserve to
attain flight if inventors are not paid fairly for their work.  But this
just plays into the hands of the closeminded forces and destroys the

The way I see it, there are several options for a free energy inventor:

   1. Demand payment before releasing secrets.  Attract ridicule
      and derision.  Finally die, safe with the knowledge that
      no one stole your hard-won discoveries.

   2. Demand payment before releasing secrets.  Sell your secrets to
      those who want to prevent their release, or to those whose greed
      makes them incompetent at developing the ideas.  You've got your
      money, and the world will never benefit from your discovery.

   3. Fight for inventor's rights.  But this is a losing proposition
      in regards to your invention, since winning this battle takes more
      than one lifetime.  If you have an amazing discovery yourself, your
      energies are split, and the conflict of interest may lose you both
      the fight for rights and the fight to sell your works.  Better to
      go into patent politics fulltime.

   4. Release detailed instructions for reproducing your discoveries.
      But people will mostly ignore you: witness all the patents which
      now gather dust in the archives.  The few who attempt to duplicate
      your device will most likely make a mistake, fail, and assume
      that the invention was bogus to begin with.  More is needed.

   5. Release detailed instructions, then spend all your time developing
      simple kits which can be built by anyone, which always work, and
      which demonstrate obvious phenomena which cannot be explained away
      by skeptics.  Then SELL the kits.  Write construction articles and
      get them published in hobbyist magazines.  Spread your articles and
      instructions all over internet.  Give personal help to any who try
      building your devices.  Tunnel under the walls of skepticism and
      collapse them, rather than attacking them at their strongest points
      as is done in 1, 2, and 3. 

  Don't worry about people stealing your ideas.  If your ideas are that
   good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats.   
                                                      - Howard Aiken

  DON'T see your discovery as the source of fantastic riches.

  DON'T quit your day job, stay a hobbyist always.

  DON'T patent your unusual technology, that's the kiss of death.

  DON'T treat it as the most important discovery ever made, treat it
  as merely something useful.  If it's really important, its up to others
  to say so.  It's not up to you.

  DON'T sell your idea to outsiders for big bucks.  Your idea will die.

  DON'T hide it away as a precious secret, instead cast it to the four winds.

  DON'T refuse all aid to the competition, give detailed help to any
  fellow hobbyists who want to copy your discovery.

But think of the fame this throws away!  Think of the wealth!  Yeah.
Right.   Now think the opposite.

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