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COLER/SWEET DEVICES EXPLAINED?!The Bill Beaty has gone totally apeshit off the wall insane. Either I'm a raging paranoid lunatic with delusions of grandeur (highly probable,) or I've just found the core idea behind the Sweet device and the Hans Coler device (low probability,) and probably the Tesla car, Hendershot device, and several others.
It's the "partial-turn toroidial transformer", but with two changes.
What's the "magnetic mode" version? Simple. Rather than using a short
dipole to couple the "energy sucking" tuned circuit to the toroidial
inductor, we wind a simple loop antenna. Holding this loop antenna near
the toroid will create some coupling, but it would even be better to wind
the loop antenna around the toroid (wind it around the perimeter, as if
the toroid was Saturn, and the loop-antenna windings were Saturn's rings,
and the loop antenna is NOT wound through the donut hole.
Aha! Alex Frolov thinks in identical terms: an asymmetrical transformer
using a solenoid primary, a flat-wound secondary, and tuned to a resonant
state. See: http://alexfrolov.narod.ru/spiral.htm
(I wonder what sequence of thoughts led Frolov to this same backwater in
Next we must locate an atomic resonance frequency of the core material. I
don't quite know how to do this. Perhaps drive the toroid with a
high-power signal generator, then measure the loop antenna's output and
look for slight rises in the signal as the frequency of the toroid signal
is swept around? Once a resonance is found, the loop antenna on the
toroid must be connected in series with an LC tuned circuit set to the
same frequency. Now, when you send the right frequency of signal to the
toroid inductor, a huge signal will build up in the tuned circuit. This
signal *might* violate conservation of energy. (My intuition says it
*will*!) If you tap off some of this signal and use it to drive the
toroid inductor, the whole device will go into runaway and probably smoke
Note: this has NOT BEEN TESTED.
NEW: I suspect that the phase of the current and field around the "loop
antenna" will be 90deg shifted as compared to the phase of the field
inside the donut-inductor. If the fields are similar in strength, this
means that the field-vector within the body of the donut will be ROTATING.
T. Bearden made much of rotating fields, as did Tesla and contemporary
Torsion Physics researchers. Maybe there's a connection, eh? :)
VTA!!!! In the Coler device, (the version with the circle of iron
magnets), the coils behave exactly the same as my "toroid inductor", while
the current in the conductive magnets acts as the "loop antenna". In the
Sweet device, the situation is similar.
However, in both of these devices the inventor has forgotten to inform us
that a high-energy, high-Q tank circuit (tuned circuit or resonator) is
needed. In the Coler device, the natural atomic resonance of the iron bar
magnets will not be the same as the resonance of the coils he used, and so
the effect will be incredibly weak or nonexistant. Just add some heavier
wire and some capacitors to tune the coils to the iron's resonance, and
the thing will probably burst into flames. Sparky Sweet's "VTA" is similar: the coil that wraps AROUND the magnet- block serves as the "toroid," and its field does not contact the other coil if there is a circle of magnet-blocks keeping the field inside them. The "scalar" or "field-cancelling" effect is really just a way to get the a-vector field out of the magnet without also having lots of conventional EM coupling. If another coil is wrapped around the circle of magnet blocks (going in the same direction as the circle), that coil acts like the "loop antenna"... but nothing will happen unless that "loop antenna" is connected to a tuned circuit, and the tuned circuit is adjusted to whatever the barium ferrite frequency might be. "There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago." - Robert Oppenheimer
Another point: we should avoid making the donut into an accidental 1-turn
inductor. If we start wrapping the donut-core at one spot, wrap many
turns, then end at the same spot, we've gone around the donut once, and
the donut contains an unnoticed 1-turn coil. Instead, start wrapping the
donut at one spot, wrap all the way around, then keep wrapping in the same
"sense" but reverse the advancement of each winding until we're back where
we started. The inductance will be large (nothing cancels out), but there
will be no parasitic one-turn coil involved, and the inductor
should be entirely self-shielded.
Could somebody, anybody, PLEASE PLEASE mess with this idea? My instincts
have been misguided before, but only rarely. Right now they scream that
THIS IS THE BIG ONE. If they are wrong, then I'm ready for the nice men
in the white coats.
(Since Sweet claimed to be able to "program" his ferrite, maybe we could
pump a big 60Hz current through the toroid of this F/E device, while
heating and cooling it or while putting Neodymium magnets on it (to
disturb the domains and "loosen " them so they lock to 60hz). Then tune
the tuned circuit to 60hz so the "loop antenna" field causes field-vector
rotations in the domains of the magnetic core. Then, figure out the +-
phase of the connections, connect output to input (maybe need an impedance
matching transformer), and stand back. It should get hot really fast.
(PS, if a 90deg phas shift is required, we could power the donut-inductor
from across the tank capacitor, while powering the "loop antenna" coil by
connecting it in series with the tank inductor.)
If it blows up reliably, then we can take it to
Burning Man festival next
If it goes into "antigravity" mode and pokes a big hole in the clouds
above, so much the better!
"It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover." - H. Poincare Another thought. The mechanical forces within a closed iron ring might be immense. Every time the current in the donut-coil reaches a peak, the iron donut should be compressed by mutual magnetic attraction between all of the domains. This means that the iron of the donut is being mechanically driven at twice the frequency of the current, and this oscillating mode is a sort of expansion/contraction. Suppose we adjust the drive frequency so the iron donut is in acoustic resonance? (The drive frequency would be 1/2 the acoustic resonance frequency.) The donut should vibrate fiercely, and there might be some "motional induction" phenomena which arise. We've now moved from EM to Acoustic, from Tesla to Keely. (A laminated core might damp the vibration. The core would need to be ferrite or solid iron, so it could ring like a bell, and we might not want to wrap the windings too tight around it.)
Now mix the acoustic resonance with with the nuclear-flip resonance of the
iron, and the rotating character of the fields internal to the iron donut,
and the phase-shift resonance in the "energy sucking" output circuit, and
there are so many strange things going on simultaneously that it makes my
brain ache.
PATENTSfound by Fred E. |