Vortex-L Discussion Group


Bill Beaty                    Electrical engineer, programmer, science
7540 20th Ave NW              exhibit designer.  Currently at Eaton/
Seattle, WA  98117            Cutler-Hammer Optoelectronics.  Long time
email:        fascination with science teaching, hobby
http://amasci.com             physics, and the damp, dark underbelly of
phone: 206-789-0775 (USA)     science from whence comes creativity,
lists: vortex-L, freenrg-L    crackpots, and earthshaking new discoveries.


Mike Butcher 
email: michael@enterprise.net


Mike Huffman
email: Knuke@aa.net


Michael Mandeville
Electronic publisher at MetaSyn Media
all contact information for me is at http://www.aa.net/~mwm

Primary focus:  paradigm shift in Physics, Archeology, Life Extension,
Spirituality, & Cyberspace
Bringing home the bacon by web page construction, internet consulting, and
information filtering for a variety of clients; work in progress to create a
full service website with deep layers of support software for publishing and
commercial grade services.

My favorite hobby besides geology is a book to be called "Flight of the
Phoenix", which is an interpretative study of the oldest message on Earth,
the ancient Egyptian's valient effort to warn all succeding generations
about the inevitability of "The Event", which is a major, sudden tectonic
movement of the Earth's crust which continually re-occurs every so often,
often enough that humanity has a collective but very dim memory of at least
three such "Events".


R & D Nafziger


Gudmund Rapp


Henry J. Scudder
email: hjscudde@pacbell.com(home), hjscudde@rdyne.rockwell.com>(work)
Electrical Engineer/Physicist
Background: Information theory, X-ray physics.
work for Rocketdyne, part of Rockwell(soon to be Boeing)
Work on X-ray Tomography and Ultrasonic inspection of Rocket Engines.
Live in LA
Hobbys are sailing, hiking, building things that o/u.


William A. Stehl
708 Rocky Trail Road
Henderson, NV  89014


Edwin Strojny
email: edstrojny@worldnet.att.net


Robin van Spaandonk
email: rvanspaa@netspace.net.au


Created and maintained by Bill Beaty. Mail me at: .