From Thu Dec 18 10:21:56 1997 Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 13:44:45 -0800 (PST) From: Mix To: All on the net, I see that my little experiment is now discovered. I am the perpetrator of the misrepresentation of the Death of Paul Brown. I apologize for any confusion that was caused. My apologies especially to Dr. Brown and his friends and family. My apologies to Jerry Decker as well it was an innocent mistake. Unfortunately Dr. Brown and Jerry were victims in this circumstance, but necessary victims in order to prove my hypothesis. They were chosen at random from a pool of "qualified" victims. This charade was intended to illustrate the ease at which a lie can be perpetrated on the internet. I have found it very interesting to note that it took this long for the actual facts to surface. What is very distressing however, is the fact that people have given life to the theories that were incorporated into the untrue account of the victims death. It has come to my attention that certain people are accusing the victim of stealing their work. Others are adding to the story of the death, and yet others are verifying that they saw these devices work, and are adding to the theory of how and why they worked. Some have even gone so far as to indicate that the government is somehow involved and that they "know" that for sure ! Some even think there is some big conspiracy going on. Something like the X-Files. What I have proven is that there is no big conspiracy going on except in the minds of those who victimize themselves to this belief. EVERYTHING in the statement that I fabricated about Brown is FALSE. I have never met him or followed his work. I just pulled some info. about him from the internet. FACT: There is no such theory of Modulated Reaction Discharge (MRD). I invented that in five minutes while tanked on J.D. ! EVERYTHING ABOUT THE THEORY IS B.S.!!!!!!! Let us take a step back and see how easily people who purport to be technical, bought this ridiculous theory lock stock and barrel. The persons who knowingly added fuel to the fire of something that they knew was simply not true ought to be ashamed of themselves. This is the problem with this field of study! How many other theories or purported workings of "free energy" devices have been objects of fabrication in much the same fashion. I urge all of you to reevaluate the FACTS not hearsay about anyone. If someone claims to have an energy device then let them show it and prove it. otherwise they are wasting the time and resources that could better be used to actually make something. I now state that all of you individuals who say you have "free energy" devices such as magnetic motors, crystal free energy converters and the like, either put up or shut up! I think the community should shun those supposed inventors who repeatedly claim: "my machine worked yesterday" or "the government (MIBS) took my device away yesterday and I can't show it to you." It is you, lying, purported inventors that are criminals in the eyes of the human race all of you should crawl back under your rocks. I specifically mention people such as Dennis Lee, a complete fraud. Never was he able to demonstrate his technology. During his last demonstration he was not able to operate his "free electicity machine" and claimed " well it worked last night" what is this crap. Dennis Lee, go away you are just milking and bilking many people out of their hard earned money. I am glad you once went to jail and you should go to jail again, I will gladly throw away the key. You are a Liar! Next Idiot, Mr. Wanker Bruce A. Perrault, I see that your web page did say that browns technology was actually yours. I also understand that you seem to think that the MRD technology was stolen from you! YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FLAMING IDIOT IN THE WORLD. This story was complete fabrication and you tried to claim as your own a technology that only has roots in the dark crevices of my twisted mind. How dare you try to make people think you posses a technology that you do not. You have no ability and should be banned from stealing peoples money! As far as I am concerned you should shrivel up and allow the CIA to finish the job of lobotomizing you that you say they started. Obviously everything you say must be a lie!!!! Perrault lied to Jerry Decker: As quoted from the nuenergy website: ^ÓJerry Decker now states: "To get a feel for the weirdness that goes on in the alternative science field, within a day or so of this post, I received an email claiming Brown had stolen his research from another, had been working on an experiment that he had no clue about and that was what caused the explosion. It gets worse and even crazier." ^Ó Obviously that claim was from one Bruce A.( _hole) Perrault: Just look at the information posted to buttheads ( Perrault^Òs ) website: ^ÓJerry Decker has once again made unclear or inaccurate statements. To make things crystal clear, it was me Bruce A. Perreault who informed Jerry that Brown's death was totally unfounded. Needless to say he did not believe me when I informed him that Brown was alive and that this was a plot to prevent me from applying for Patents. I knew as soon as Jerry released the post that Paul Brown was not dead as Paul had wished me and my family a happy holiday LIVE over the ICQ network at about 7pm, 12/13/97. I never stated to Jerry that Paul was doing an experiment that caused an explosion, as there was never any explosion. I have no clue as to who this Ron Dandy is, nor does Paul. What is very interesting here is that whoever wrote that letter knows that Paul is working on nuclear batteries that can put out 2-volts at 5-amps. The rest of the technological information in the post appears to have been gleaned from my site or from my confidential Online Research Guide that requires a PASSWORD. It is for this reason that I will no longer be releasing anymore PROPRIETARY information. You will have to be patient for product releases. I will not release any products until they are fully evaluated by an outside source. I may lose some of my credibility in the process but it is better than losing my life's work.^Ô BRUCE PERRAULT: YOU ARE A FLAMING PSYCHOPATH !!!!!!! GET SOME LITHIUM!!!! Since there is absolutely NO TRUTH to the information I posted, it is OBVIOUS to everyone on the internet that you are a LIAR!!!!!! I just love how you seem to think that this info came out of your research guide. I think it would be in everyones best interest if someone who has acces to this guide could confirm that this info. is not contained therin. I in fact have a complete copy of your guide and there is no such mention of this type of technology in your guide. Your guide in fact is a peice of useless feces and should be fed to you for lunch, or is that already the case?? IN FACT: I THINK THAT I WILL POST YOUR ENTIRE RESEARCH GUIDE FOR ALL TO SEE ON THE INTERNET SO THAT MY CLAIMS OF YOUR IDIOCY CAN BE VERIFIED BY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD!!! (JUST WAIT AND SEE :) HAAA.... HAAA ......HAAA MAYBE I WORK FOR CIA? MAYBE I AM THE ONE WHO STOLE YOUR WIFE, YOU KNOW SHE IS VERY SOFT AND SUPPLE. ALL HARK THAT PERRAULT IS NOTHING MORE THAT A CON-MAN AND MANIAC OUT TO STEAL YOUR MONEY AND LIVE OFF OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS! Liar...Liar ....Liar....Liar...idiots pants on fire !!! Joe Newman, Joe you are plain nuts. Where is your O/U magnetic motor. I know where it is it exists only in the empty space between your ears!!! Either build a motor and show it to the world or shut up and stop selling those infernal books about the crap load of lies you believe. Perpetrator, traitor to truth...Liar!!! LAST BUT NOT LEAST: John Searl one of the biggest frauds of them all. How many years has he tried to build his SEARL disc (25 YEARS ?) Well people, if it worked he would have done it by now. Show me the MACHINE!! and the world will show you the money. I could go on forever. There are too many idiots to name who lie to all of us and try to get us to think that they have some magical "free energy" machine. All of us should learn this lesson and ignore those people who perpetrate lies. DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE!!!! Do not give money to LIARS do not support and perpetrate the lies and rumors that have no proof to substantiate the claims. Those actions do nothing than to retard the advancement of science and science IS what we are talking about here. When somebody says they have a device an independent verification of the facts should be undertaken before the information is released. Now to validate the claim that I am the perpetrator I shall enclose the text of the letter that was sent to the fictitious Rondandy by Jerry Decker in response to the false death notice: "Hi Ronald! I am truly saddened by the death of Paul. I met him at a Tesla conference a few years ago and we had a wonderful discussion. Shortly after that, I understood he had some problems that he believed were from enemies who wished to shut him up. I will post your notice so that others will know. Thank you for writing it all down and sending it. Were you also aware that Professor Eric Laithwaite had died recently? I have no details on his death, but he had lived a long and productive life. I believe he was in his 80s. Dr. Brown will be SORELY missed. I know of several other people who followed his work and were quite convinced he was onto something revolutionary. Thank you again for letting us know.....Kind of puts the damper on the Christmas season, but I will still wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.... -- Jerry W. Decker / / "From an Art to a Science" Voice : (214) 324-8741 / KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, Republic of Texas - 75187" Mr. Decker please verify for the audience that this is indeed the e-mail you sent to rondandy so that my verity as the perpetrator is established. FACTS FOR THE RECORD: 1. THE DEATH NOTICE OF PAUL BROWN IS FALSE 2. PAUL BROWN, HIS FAMILY AND ASSOCIATES WHO RESPONDED TO THE NOTICE AS WELL AS YOU WHO WERE SADDENED ARE VICTIMS OF MY PERPETRATION. 3. JERRY DECKER IS A VICTIM. 4. THIS PERPETRATED LIE WAS A NECESSARY EVIL TO HELP OUR GROWTH. 5. LYING INDIVIDUALS IN THIS FIELD HAVE NOW EXPOSED THEMSELVES AND ARE TO BE CONSIDERED "FLUSHED" DOWN THE TOILET. 6. ALWAYS CHECK THE FACTS. DON'T EVEN BELIEVE YOU MOTHER IF SHE TELLS YOU THAT SHE HAS A FREE ENERGY DEVICE. 7. I WILL BE WATCHING THOSE WHO LIE AND THEY WILL BE EXPOSED. 8. ALL THE STANDARD DISCLAIMERS APPLY. LASTLY: Q: Whom am I and why did I do this? A: I am one who sees through the lies. I am the self-appointed super-hero champion of truth. It is my purpose to expose the liars. I am always watching. Our world is approaching a nexus of transformation and light in which the lies of the dishonest snake oil salesman cannot be tolerated. All of you rest sure that I am watching, I have always been here and nobody can escape my gaze. Liars, your time is up, you are known to be worthles creatures. Believe Me To Be....... Umraathmaall ( champion of truth )