[Previous] [Next] [Hitlist] [Get Thread] [Author Profile] [Post] [Reply] _________________________________________________________________ Article 1 of 24 Subject: Re: Weather Observers - Ball Lightning! From: laker@netcom.com (Pagemaster) Date: 1996/04/13 Message-Id: References: <4kh0g5$9me@oznet11.ozemail.com.au> Organization: Nexis Writers Club Newsgroups: sci.geo.meteorology >A cloud to earth bolt about a quarter mile away was not particularly >loud, although the boom arrived almost immediately after the flash, but it >was a thicker column than I have ever seen. It faded away as a beautiful >string of pearls which seemed to be whirling as eddies as they too faded >away. Actually you are right in the respect that there is a large number of lightning balls, however not many are observed simply because most people (except those of us that are facinated by or deal directly with severe weather) don't take the time to look for them. We however are working on an experimental plasma shielding and lightning (being pure plasma) is a great source for this to facilitate testing. The drone being used has many times encountered ball lightning in it's many "direct" encounters with lighting in the process of a test. It records all the data it "sees" and then it is downloaded when it arrives back on the ground. Many different kinds and types have been recorded and documented. However, until the project is complete and all the classified data on the project is made public this data will not be available to the Meteorological community as a whole. I really wish we could release this data, but it is under strict top secret classification. I am however allowed to tell you that we have data involving this (my "boss" is watching me do this) phenomenon and it will be released in about 1-2 years when the project concludes. Till then, sorry everyone. -Laker the Pagemaster Come experience the power of the Nexis. The Nexis Writers Club has temporarily relocated to: "http://www2.gvsu.edu/~lakest/nexis-index.html" ****************************************************************************** Saying seen o [Previous] [Next] [Hitlist] [Get Thread] [Author Profile] _________________________________________________________________ [ Home ] - [ Search ] - [ Contacts ] - [ Help ] _________________________________________________________________