Another "Taos Hum" aspect from Stefan Lofstrand in Sweden. In the fall of 1996 I first noticed the sound that I now know is dubbed "The Taos Hum". I live on a terrace at the eastern side of the mountain Hunneberg, near the southern end of Sweden's largest lake, Vanern. Since I have one of the major air force bases in line of sight and major war industries less than 12 kilometers away on the other side of the mountain, my first assumption was that the humming sound emanated from a secret tunneling operation. I still consider this hypothesis to be the most plausible explanation. As the first winter was rather quietly humming on - and on - I had ample time to engage my imagination during the sleepless "still" of the nights. If it was a tunneling operation with some kind of automated boring rig, it had to be possible to deduce the most probable tunnel layout. With a 200 meters high plateau mountain in the shape of a giant layered cake in the middle and a few very conspicuous points at a 12 km radius from my strategically situated house, the first crude draft was straight lines on the map. Since the destination for the nearest tunneling machine - which I by then had named Nidhog after the mythical worm that gnaws the roots of the World Tree Yggdrasil in the Edda poem Voluspa - did not necessarily have to be under the center of the mountain, there was still some margin of uncertainty. Therefore I took my divining rod for a walk. Then I had two points and thus a more probable destination. Soon the snow covered the Tabula Rasa of Hunneberg. I did not care for stamping my dog frilled foot prints on the flat mountain roof, so for the winter I traced the progress of Nidhog with my pendulum on the map. On a scale of 1: 20 000 this method gives a margin of error of typically ± 25 meters; - but compared to exploring the natural scale, covered with a meter of snow, it is definitely more cozy to divine by the fireplace. After a couple of months I had logged the speed of the tunneling rig to some 1.2 km/month. The "information" that I now had was sufficient to estimate the time of arrival of the tunneling rig at the most likely point of destination under the mountain. When you use psychic methods of detection it is most important to make predictions, because this is often the only way to validate the method as such. In map dowsing the crucial test is whether you really find what your pointer indicates. However, if the object is hidden and cannot be unearthed, you must find a more roundabout way to verify your accuracy. In this case my prediction was that the irritating sound, that was progressively grinding my robust threshold of tolerance to pulp, would probably stop around the middle of March 1997. The 14:th of March my premonitions grew, so I was checking the position of the tunneling rig by the hour. Around 2 PM (notes burned) I was in for an unpleasant surprise. Nidhog started to back out of his worm hole as predicted and was rapidly approaching. What I was not prepared for was that the tunneling rig should produce a sound on the backwards leg too. And what a sound! Before the humming had been clearly audible only during windless days with low ambient noise level and refrigerator compressor off. When Nidhog passed my house at a speed of more than 2 kilometers an hour, the grinding-frequency modulated infra sound nearly turned my bowels inside out. I wondered how a supposedly secret tunneling operation could lack - or suppress - such a vital feed back information. Before this nauseating experience I had envisioned the tunneling rig to be constructed like the publicly known counterparts, for example the machine that excavated the tunnel under The Channel between England and France. The only significant difference I had found so far was that the military tunneling device was able to grind ahead at a speed that was up to six times faster than the civilian rigs, which have a speed of around 200 meters per month. Now I concluded that the faster progress in the bedrock was at the expense of the diameter and that the new object was the gradual widening of the tunnel. The hum volume was indeed louder, but it had also changed its sound, or rather rhythm. Since I can still hear the hum, this part of the operation must remove the bulk of the excavated rock. While Nidhog was at the first backwards leg, I tracked its position and line of progress on my map. The following day I cranked my old Mercedes and took off towards what I then supposed to be the other end of the tunnel. I came across a complex of buildings that were not marked on the map - with a function and proprietor that I in this specific context feel legally prohibited to divulge in a public medium - hidden in the woods close by the tunnel. At the opposite side of the tunnel I found a major asphalt production plant run by the Swedish Road Administration, situated in a day break where macadam evidently had been produced for several decades. There was also an entrance to the underground with a conveyor belt for crushed rock, which lay in huge mounds on the premises. Whether these mounds had a connection with the present tunneling operation, or with earlier excavations, I cannot say. Only that asphalt production is a convenient way to dispose of excavated rock. The planning for underground infrastructure must also be very long term. What was excavated decades ago can now be filled again. This peristaltic transport policy at least applies to temporary storage volumes at the front end of "explainable" exits from the underground. "Humming" thus requires starting points for the tunneling machines, preferably at sites like this with a reliable night shift and where heavy transports shuttle continuously. Another significant observation I made on that field trip was a large flock of seemingly bewildered wood pigeons above the secret source of the hum. Wood pigeons do not normally appear in flocks, like cliff pigeons; - the sub species you normally find in the city centers. Wood pigeons live solitary and do not mingle even for mating. Pigeons have a well documented capacity for homing in on sources of infra sound, like water falls and steep valleys that reverberate in the wind. They utilize such geographically stable sources of infra sound for their navigation, since infra sound can be heard by pigeons for very long distances. Pigeons are not used to that similar sources of infra sound can also move about on their mental maps. This explanation for the well documented increase of navigational errors by racing pigeons during the last decade is more plausible than to blame cellular phones. Pigeons do not show an orientation reflex towards UHF EM- radiation. Thus, homing statistics for pigeon races can serve as an indicator for the spread of the "Taos Hum" phenomenon. The behavior of animals is always much more trustworthy than the testimony of thousands of humans, suffering from tinnitus, delusion and disinformation. Psychic methods like map dowsing combined with observations like above provides a distinct gradient in that state we have agreed to call "reality". When you are stalking "secrets" you simply feel and follow the pull of your object of gravitation, until you have reached the sign "Secret". If it is a secret that the object is secret, you will soon be discretely stalked upon. Pulling the spiders web of surveillance always attracts the spider. To consummate my field trip I first picked up a tail, then made a sudden U- turn. Since it is also a secret that you are being observed, this inverts an unwritten rule I did not co-author. Let it be no secret: reckless driving is my hobby. I also carry a formidable weapon. A camera. The 6:th of April 1997 at 2 AM the symptoms of infra sound exposure grew so intolerable, that I had to leave my house together with my son and the dog Vif. My heart was beating so hard, that I feared it could burst, so the decision was simply enforced. We slept - or rather tried to - sitting in our sleeping bags in the car, parked at a more quiet spot in the woods. As anyone can understand, this was it. I will never tolerate threats to the well being of my family; - or threats of any kind, for that matter. I immediately started blowing the whistle. But first of all I posted a bottled message to the underground network the following day. You may call it the Unternet. It is a lot safer to operate when it is an open question who knows what. That day I also found an astonishing proof of the power of sonic vibrations. In two spots on the steep diabase cliffs about 100 meters behind my house, sharp fragments of rock had exploded out, seemingly in one scattering burst. It must have happened during the night we spent in the car, because I walk my dog past these cliffs every day. I could not possibly have missed these fresh cleavage surfaces the morning before. Together with my then 16 years old son I first took several photos of the scatter bursts. The negatives I now keep in a safe place. Then we carefully collected all the fragments of the smaller of these explosions. The weight of the fragments was 1.9 kilos and they had been cast away from the cliff at a height above ground of 1.55 meters. The spread angle of the scatter burst was roughly 20” and the outermost fragments were collected 1.55 meters from the vertical line through the point of origin. We have tried to puzzle the fragments together again, but it is very difficult. The smallest, very sharp, fragments obviously came from the inside of the cliff. The larger fragments from the original surface were easy to put together, since they were covered by lichens, but fitting the assembled block to the cleavage surface on the cliff is very difficult, even if it cannot be impossible. Only one corner piece fits to its original place. Some months later my son put the book "The Tenth Insight" by James Redfield in my hands. Even if I feel reluctant to use a novel as a "reference" - proclaimed to be based on actual experience or not - the setting of that novel is the search for a mysterious "hum". On page 100 there is a description of a similar earth scattering episode. I also made a serious effort to share this information and collected evidence with the scientific community in Sweden. Every year the Department of Geology at the University of Lund pass Hunneberg on their traditional Excursion. The 21:th of May 1997 I guided Goran Bylund at the division for Mineralogy and Petrology to the spot where the spontaneous cliff scattering had occurred. One of the scatter bursts was also left untouched. I gave him a full report of my observations and my hypothesis of what caused the unusual phenomenon. Goran Bylynd insisted that the scattering must have been caused by some geologists hammer and claimed that it could even have been himself on an earlier occasion. That excursion must have been performed the night between the 5:th and 6:th of April 1997. The following night, while the sound level was once again rising, I phoned the officer on duty at the military head quarters in Stockholm and explained my problems with the sour comment, that the military forces were supposed to defend my freedom and not to pester me with infra sound. The officer responded in a patronizingly friendly voice, that the Swedish military forces never engage in underground activities and that he therefore could not grant my request to contact the control center of any present tunneling operation and make them reduce the feeding pressure of any hypothetical tunneling rig. He asked me to phone once again the following day, after the morning conference. Evidently he had a direct line of command to the tunneling operation. Only half an hour after my call the sound level was reduced considerably. My map dowsing confirmed that the offending tunneling rig almost came to a grinding stand still. After the morning prayer at the military head quarters the following day it must have been decided that the operation should continue as before. The officer in charge I phoned at noon did not even bother to be polite and advised - or rather ordered - me to contact the local police about my problems. Since I, according to the spirit of the NŸrnberg Trials, never obey orders that I consider contrary to the true interests of my fellow beings, I did not call the local police, but my elected representative in the Swedish parliament Riksdagen: Annika Nordgren for the environmentalist party, Miljopartiet. She had been appointed to the secret defense committee, Forsvarsutskottet. The fact that she is young and beautiful tends to obscure the pertinent fact that she is bright. Therefore my hope was that she could perform a transformational wonder upon her fellow representatives in Forsvarsutskottet (predominantly older men); - even if she admitted that her chances were small. The political level also very seldom gets unlimited access to information about what is really going on. That's "deniability". Or a de facto soft military coup. The results of my commendable performance of citizenship were not convincing. The 14:th of April I could see a car from Lanstyrelsen, the regional administration of the state, snooping around. An unusual amount of elderly people, presumably former state employees, with cars registered at a wide geographical spread of home places, could also be seen loitering about for hours at evenly distributed positions on the mountain, shepherded by the local "secret" guard. I guess they were officially appointed "hummers" on mission to adjust the hum level, so people could not that easily pick it up. At least the mean speed of Nidhog was reduced by some 20% during that period. Lower speed probably equals lower pressure on the grinding rollers. Whether the somewhat reduced level of infra sound is still high enough to blank out sensitive communication among different species in the ecological system, the military-industrial complex and the Swedish government are of course completely indifferent to. They do not even care if some people find out the "truth", as long as it can be contained within closed circles and is not contagious enough to become a political opinion. They know that THE TRUTH is still what a solemn face on the TV-screen says. But of course they unleashed their control technology on my case once again. The Ericsson AXE switchboard is a wonder machine for phone tapping... First during the summer of 1997, when I could more freely travel around in southern Sweden, I realized the full extent of the tunneling operation. Since I had constantly heard the hum for more than eight months, I had considerably lowered my hum awareness threshold. The first time I heard the hum far away from home, I thought I had an acoustic hallucination. It even made me doubt my tunnel hypothesis. A tunnel system could not possibly be that vast... Then I followed some other tunnels as closely as roads and nature permitted. I was led to such a large number of military areas and installations, that I was finally convinced to be firmly on track. Tunnel crossings in combination with over ground infra structure like rail roads, power lines, certain kinds of radio masts and similar indicators that any reasonably agile mind can easily identify, proved to be redundant pointers to the "secret" underground complexes. No map scrambling can undo the fact that practically anyone can find and follow these tunnels. There is no need for ELF earth-penetrating tomography. Already the old Egyptians knew it. A picture of reality equals reality on the psychic level. I also found several locations where the hum was especially loud and obnoxious. The common denominator tended to be deep cracks in the bedrock that were parallel and close to each other, or cracks in Y-shape. The vibrations are possibly channeled and concentrated by such geological traits. Since the vibration is continuous, the cause could also be differing phase relations between two independently vibrating masses of rock. There might even be some ethereal components to this effect, but here we touch a matter of belief and debate that is better left aside. In areas where the hum level was high there also seemed to be an unusual amount of properties for sale. Even if the majority of the population cannot consciously hear the hum, it might still have an adverse effect on the subconscious level. A subliminal signal is often more scary, since it cannot be consciously analyzed. Infra sound also tends to make people tense and nervous, so this hypothesis is not far fetched. Property sales statistics could thus be another indicator of the geographic distribution and relative perceived intensity of the hum. If the management of the tunneling operation knowingly forces an untold amount of people to leave their homes for sale, this gives room for many interpretations. Another possible environmental consequence of the continuos vibration of the ground could be an increased mobility of radon gas. A Swedish research report titled "Orsaker till att radonhalten okar i radonsanerade smahus" by Bertil Clavensjo, ISBN 91-540-5774-4 (The title translated: Causes for the radon level to increase in radon sanitized buildings) could indicate this effect, even if it is not one of Bertil Clavensjos conclusions. If the amount of radon gas that reaches the surface is increased after a building is sanitized, it could conceivably result in a higher radon level than immediately after the sanitation. In this report the amount of diffused radon gas was implicitly considered to be constant over time. If someone wants to verify this hypothesis, the best approach seems to be new measurements of the radon gas level in deep drilled water wells where radon measurements were performed before the hum started. This method would presumably rule out all other causes for an increased level of radon gas. Two practical problems of such a vast tunneling operation that I have not been able to find an answer to, are how the excavated material is disposed of and how the inevitable problem of water leakage into the tunnels is solved. Leakage into tunnels below the ground water table can be considerable. When an eighty kilometers long tunnel had been blasted from the lake Bolmen in order to supply Malmo and some other towns in southern Sweden with water, it was found that the ground water leakage into the tunnel was often sufficient to fill the need. But maybe the leakage problem is not yet solved. It is technologically feasible that the draining of the tunnels and the subsequent lining with a water proof material is to be performed first after the tunneling is completed. (The tendency of the tunnels to pass close by cement industries might indicate this solution). If the tunnels are full of water during the automated tunneling process, this might account for how the vibrations are so efficiently transmitted to large volumes of the surrounding rock. This effect might even be utilized to make the positions of the tunneling rigs less easy to spot from the surface. The disposal of such enormous amounts of excavated rock can in no way be matched by the need for asphalt and filling material. I have made an extensive search for an unaccountable surplus of crushed rock in Sweden and found no evidence thereof. The only solution to the problem I can find is to transport the excavated rock by conveyor belts or a similar mechanism in underwater tunnels to suitable deposit sites on the deep ocean floor. (If so, Sweden is probably in cooperation with the NATO- member Norway at this end of the tunneling operation, which must be considered a breach of Sweden's proclaimed neutrality). This would effectively hide the unexplainable volume of ground rock from the world population, but not from the submarines and other methods of detection by "the other side". Thus, if this is the solution to the problem, there can be no "other side" to this project. This open question leads us to the ultimate purpose of the tunneling. When a civilization on a planet, like now Earth, has reached the scientific understanding, that the planet repeatedly has been suffering almost total cosmic catastrophes in the distant past and most probably has to face another event of a similar magnitude in the unknown future *and* has reached a level of technology that permits tunneling into deeper strata of the planet, it will commence tunneling. The only remaining problem with such a natural process of planetary evolution is that the planet in this case happens to be planet Earth, with its sordid historical experience. Plus maybe the fact that you and your future offspring are trapped deep down in the gravity well of that unhappy planet. How confident do you feel that this project cares for *your* interests? Especially since this booming military-industrial underground complex also serves multiple military functions that are not so easy to discern through the dense clouds of cosmic dust. __________________________________________________________ Concluding remarks. The 7:th of March 1998 the Swedish Government and all the political parties that are represented in the Swedish parliament Riksdagen should have received a signed letter of essentially the same contents as above. However, I preferred not to make a direct translation of that letter, since the contents referred to many issues that are more easily understood within the Swedish political and cultural context. The same day, when the signed letters were supposed to arrive according to the delivery promise of the postal service, I also e-mailed the same letter to a number of individual representatives in Riksdagen and a number of organizations, like for example Greenpeace in Stockholm. There were all together 31 recipients of that e-mail. The following day I e-mailed the same letter to some friends in Denmark, as a test of how the message was being received by the previous recipients. This test of the state of my link to the world proved it was still open, but later in the afternoon it was closed. When I tried to send the 33:rd e-copy to my brother, it bounced several times. So far I have received absolutely no feedback from the recipients of the paper edition and the 31:st recipients of the e-mail-edition. That is, of course, if I do not count the possible death threat I received during the following week. As any sensible person can understand, I cannot prove that this ever happened; - or else the threat would not have been professionally executed, and I would have cared even less. Anyone born outside this peaceful haven of social engineering, repressive tolerance and very subtle climate of political control might have difficulties in fully appreciating, that the honor of receiving a personal death threat from the Swedish secret service is as frequent as major asteroid impacts. Not until the 27:th of August 1998 I fond the "Taos Hum Homepage" on the Internet. I was astonished to find that all accounts of how the hum is perceived and how it effects those who can hear it completely agreed with my independent experience. I was even more astonished to find that no hypothesis of the cause of the hum agreed with mine, save for the reprint from Cosmic Awareness, "Revelations of Awareness", Issue 93-14 in the document newshum.txt. But our earthly technology is capable of making "circular tunnels" not only between England and France, so I can see no indispensable need for an alien joint venture. To blame ELF communications, the HAARP project, "free" energy experiments or standing waves in oil pipelines for the hum, I consider so implausible, that it makes me suspect that the "Taos Hum Homepage" is nothing but another source of disinformation. How can these hypotheses be reconciled with the observation, that the hum was first heard in USA and years later in countries like Great Britain and Sweden, but can not yet be heard in countries like North Korea, South Yemen or Libya. I certainly do not intend to mock people suffering from tinnitus (my son included), but all constantly irritating sounds does not necessarily have to be explained by a tinnitus related syndrome. Perhaps those who can not hear the hum should have their ears examined. But the cure for not being able to hear the hum is often very simple. I believe it is due to "myopic hearing" (myotic?) caused by the urbanized life style. City people are not used to listening. They tend to only detect sounds carrying immediate information from sources near by. When I have instructed people that could not hear the hum to stop listening for a plastic duck sitting on the table in front of them, saying "yap yap", but to listen for a hundred horses running across a wooden bridge five kilometers away, everybody could hear the hum. Please be no offended by my criticism; - my hum version is probably not completely accurate either. That's not being humble, but realistic. Even vaporizing critics of this version of "the truth" can be mailed to and will be, if not immediately answered, at least promptly acknowledged receipt of and answered in due time. If not even acknowledged, my incoming e-mail is probably filtered. Till then, greetings to all "hummers" of the planet Earth. // $£