Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 01:10:39 -0400 From: Michael T Huffman To: Subject: HEY BILL! Seattle Radar Anomaly I just found out not long ago that a gentleman whom I only knew by his nickname of "Woody" at Radar Electric gadget store in Seattle died a few months ago. Woody used to have an array of radars in his backyard. At least one of those was picking up a substantial fixed radar target floating above the city about a mile or two from his house (don't know where he lived, been there once). The thing would go away in winter and come back during summer. I don't think he wanted to publicize it too much but then it does not matter now I suppose. Its probably better if it does not get totally forgotten. Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 16:56:48 PDT From: Mike & Susan Clow To: Cc: knuke@LCIA.COM Subject: Radar Equipment for sale and Seattle Radar Anomaly About the Anamoly, I have seen it myself on his equipment, but I am pretty much convinced it was in the equipment and not an outside source. I have no actual proof of this, nor do I have any solid explanation, just a hunch that it might involve water vapor (or lack therof?) in his fiberglass dome, or perhaps in the waveguide, or perhaps in foliage which would be more present in the summer. It was an interesting beehive shaped target, roughly southwest from Woodie's Burien location, at something like 15 or 20 degrees elevation. He had asked me if it could originate from a satellite, but it did not appear to be in the plane where the geosynchronous sattelites are (close though), and since it was apparently fixed that precludes a deep space or orbiting object. I looked for trees in the area of the target, and did not see any, but I still wonder if an echo or a side lobe could have been affected by a nearby tree. Well, thats all I have to add on the subject. A final note for you, he pointed one of his S-Band transmitter feedhorns straight up and used a repetitive code transmitter to send a simple repeating signal straight up, it was his little "hello" to whoever was listening out there. There was no response that we know of, ha ha!