"Free Energy" Devices

Please leave COMMENTS!

The Keelynet files below are links to David Johnsson's excellent ELEKTROMAGNUM site

BEWARE: stay clear of "International Tesla Electric" and "Better World Technologies". These are part of the infamous Dennis Lee investment scam. Many l

Shortcuts to files below

Unusual Patents, via IBM Patent Server, thanks to Greg Watson

The following Keelynet files are mirrored from David Johnsson's excellent ELEKTROMAGNUM site

Free Energy Files

Floyd Sweet's VTA device

Bedini Device

Hendershot's Self-Acting Oscillator

Dennis Lee Thermal O/U

Methernita TESTATIKA device

Searle gravity/energy device

Hyde electrostatic device

'N-Machine' Homopolar Generator

Hans Coler Device

The Gray magnetic motor

S. Meyer's hi-volt, hi-freq hydrogen cell

Moray's space energy receiver

Joe Newman's giant coil overunity motor

The Hubbard Coil

Finsrud's Overunity Artwork

Farnsworth Fusor (Multipactor) Tube

Watson's SMOT, RMOG, etc.

Water-vortex devices

T.T. Brown Electrogravity

Chernetski self-acting arc discharge

Some articles on Vacuum Energy (ZPE)



Created and maintained by Bill Beaty. Mail me at:
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