From 76570.2270@compuserve.comSun Oct 1 00:08:17 1995 Date: 08 Aug 95 10:01:31 EDT From: Eugene Mallove <> To: William Beaty Subject: Standard Cold Fusion Technology Ad Bill, Please use this ad form or whatever variant or subsection you wish. Distribute on other networks and forums that you encounter. Whenever I see someone on S.P.F. (Fusion Digest) asking for CF info. I send him all this stuff. I get new subscribers and tape orders lots of times, which helps to keep the magazine going. Gene _______________________________________________________________ Dear Friend, Thank you for your inquiry. Welcome to the best source of information on cold fusion in the world! Please browse this collection of materials --our magazine, video tapes, etc.-- and decide which items best suit your needs. You will be amazed at how much progress has been made in this exciting field. Take nothing for granted. Go to the original sources of information presented here. See for yourself! Thank you, in advance, for your order... Sincerely, Eugene F. Mallove, Sc.D., Editor-in-Chief and Publisher INFINITE ENERGY: Cold Fusion and New Energy Technnology (MAGAZINE) Cold Fusion Technology P.O. Box 2816 Concord, NH 03302-2816 Fax: 603-224-5975 Phone: 603-228-4516 ****************************************************************************** QUESTION: Can you really afford to be without the latest information on Cold Fusion and New Energy technology? * You are a curious and concerned citizen who wonders about "the rest of the story," the continuing revolutionary developments world-wide, which most journalists have not kept up with since the furor in Utah in the spring of 1989. *You are an engineer, scientist, technician, or inventor and want to know the truth about these claimed new energy sources. Perhaps you want to build your own systems. * You are a concerned environmentalist or a person working in another area of alternative energy. * You are wondering about your investment portfolio or your career-how they will be affected by imminent developments in Cold Fusion and New Energy Technology. For all these reasons -and more- you need to get the facts Now! ______________________________________________________________________________ **********************************ORDER FORM******************************* COLUMN-1 COLUMN-2 *U.S./Canada *Other Foreign (PRICES INCLUDE SHIPPING) One year subscription to INFINITE ENERGY Magazine (6 issues) $29.95_________ $49.95________ (Beginning with premier Issue, March/April 1995, back issues always in stock ) Video Tapes (4) of MIT Cold Fusion Day 1995 (8 hours) $84.95_________ $109.95_______ Single tapes from MIT Cold Fusion Day-1995 $28.00_________ $35.00________ ICCF5 Video Tapes (4) - Fifth International Conference on Cold Fusion $210.00________ $230.00_______ (Highlights of ICCF5 - over 8 hours of presentations! Included extra: *all abstracts* and an index of participants.) Fire from Ice (Book inscribed by author) $25.95_________ $29.95________ Cold Fusion/New Energy Resource Guide 1995 $5.00__________ $8.00_________ Clean Energy Technology, Inc. Video Tape $28.00_________ $35.00________ (Demonstrations of first US-patented cold fusion cells) TOTAL = __________ ________ Please enclose check or money order to Cold Fusion Technology, or enter Credit Card information: Cold Fusion Technology P.O. Box 2816 Concord, NH 03302-2816 USA Name: ______________________________________For Infinite Energy, please start with issue #_____1, #2____, #3_____, etc.. Address:______________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________State:__________ Postal Code/Zip:_________ Country:___________________________ Phone:___________________________________ Fax:________________________________ If using Credit Card: Check one: Master Card _____ VISA_____American Express__ Card Number: ____________________________ Expirations Date: Signature (only if by snail mail, not needed if e-mail)_____________________ Optional: E-Mail address_____________________________________________________ Fax: 603-224-5975; Phone: 603-228-4516 E-mail: ***************************************************************************** --- Announcing a new magazine.................................. INFINITE ENERGY - Cold Fusion and New Energy Technology (ISSN 1081-6372) Eugene F. Mallove, Sc.D., Editor-in-Chief INFINITE ENERGY premiered with the March/April 1995 issue, which was distributed to the participants of the Fifth International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF5) to be held in Monte Carlo, Monaco (April 9-13, 1995). Issue # 2 (May/June) appeared in mid-late June 1995. [See Table of Contents for #1 and #2 below.] Issue #3 will be published in late August, 1995. INFINITE ENERGY is an international technical magazine with outreach to the general public as well. It is written at the technical level of Scientific American or Science News. To maintain the highest editorial standards, it is written and edited by scientists, engineers, and expert journalists. It is aimed at pioneering scientists, engineers, industrialists, and investors who are entering an exciting new R&D area. This continues to grow explosively, with significant involvement by Japanese corporations and an increasing number of U.S. companies. New technology developments and scientific discoveries are being made monthly and reported in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. INFINITE ENERGY reports on the latest information that is now pouring in from research centers around the globe. The affordable subscription price of this six-issues/year publication of general and technical interest is $29.95 for residents of the U.S. and Canada. (To cover first-class air mail for other countries, the annual foreign subscription price is $49.95.) The magazine initially has limited distribution on select newsstands and is subscription-driven via a national ad campaign. (Later in 1995, newsstand sales distribution will increase.) To subscribe to INFINITE ENERGY in 1995, beginning with the premier issue, please enclose check or money order to Cold Fusion Technology, or enter Credit Card information: Cold Fusion Technology P.O. Box 2816 Concord, NH 03302-2816 USA Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________State:__________ Postal Code/Zip:____________ Country:___________________________ Phone:__________________ Fax:_____________ If using Credit Card: Check one: Master Card __ VISA__American Express__ Card Number: ____________________________ Expiration Date:_________________________ Signature________________________________ Optional: E-Mail address_______________ Editorial contributions are requested and advertising space is available. Fax: 603-224-5975; Phone: 603-228-4516 E-mail: ****************************************************************************** Table of Contents for INFINITE ENERGY #1 (April/May 1995) ICCF5 Program Welcome by Arthur C. Clarke 1 Breaking Through, Editorial 3 Letters 5 Remembering Julian Schwinger Eugene F. Mallove 9 Cold Fusion Theory: A Brief History of Mine Julian Schwinger 10 Very Hot Cold Fusion in Japan: Jed Rothwell 14 Cell Testing at Clean Energy Technologies Bruce Klein and Dennis Cravens 18 COMMENTARY Cold Fusion: From Reasons to Doubt to Reasons to Believe Edmund Storms 23 Why Technology First Peter Glueck 26 The Energy Crisis Geoff Rohde 30 A Warm Welcome to Infinite Energy Hal Fox 31 The Dawning of the New Energy Age Andrew Rothovius 31 A "Micro-fusion" Reactor: Nuclear Reactions "in the cold" by ultrasonic cavitation Tom Benson 33 EXPERIMENTER'S CORNER >From a Sea of Water to a Sea of Energy Michael T. Huffman 38 Thermocouple Hints 45 EarthTech International Resources 45 Calendar 45 Cold Fusion in a "Ying Cell" and Probability Enhancement by Boson Stimulation Nelson Ying and Charles W. Shults III 46 Japan TV Program Magnetism Revelation 48 Washington Watch 50 ********************************************************* Table of Contents for INFINITE ENERGY #2 (May/June 1995) Breaking Through, Editorial 3 Letters 5 The Fifth International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF5)-Highlights Jed Rothwell 7 ICCF5 Participating Organizations Akira Kawasaki 17 Flowing Electrolyte Calorimetry Dennis Cravens 18 Comments on Dr. Cravens' Work Jed Rothwell 22 A Development Approach for Cold Fusion Bruce Klein 27 Alchemy Nightmare: Skeptic Finds Heavy Element Transmutation in Experiment Eugene Mallove 30 Energy Bombshell from Moldova-SPECIAL REPORT Water Fuel Device Conquers the Marketplace Christopher P. Tinsley 33 On One of the Energy Generation Mechanisms in Unitary Quantum Mechanics Lev G. Sapogin 38 Magnetic Resonance Amplifier Controversy Norman Wootan, Hal Puthoff 40 COMMENTARY Cold Fusion in 2001 and Beyond: Lessons from High Tech Robert W. Horst 44 Proposal for Designing a Cold Fusion Reactor and its Commercialization Lev G. Sapogin 47 PATENT FILE The MIT Cold Fusion Patent #5,411,654 EXPERIMENTER'S CORNER Self-Heated Pd Wire in H2/D2: Nuclear Effects? M. Srinivasan et al 50 Briefs 52 Calendar 46 Washington Watch 54 ****************************************************************************** VIDEO TAPES OF THE ** MIT IAP COLD FUSION DAY ** - January 21, 1995 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology ARE NOW AVAILABLE. ****************************************************************************** Four (4) two-hour VHS video tapes are available as a set, or individually, which were only slightly edited from professionally taken video footage of the day-long IAP Cold Fusion session at MIT on January 21, 1995. The tapes include the following material: ***** TAPE#1 ***** Dr. Eugene F. Mallove (Cold Fusion Technology, Concord, NH) "Cold Fusion and New Energy Technology - An Overview" Dr. Peter Graneau (Northeastern University Center for Electromagnetic Research) "Anomalous Forces in Water Plasma Explosions" ***** TAPE#2 ***** Buford ("Ray") Conley (MIT, graduate student, Dept. of Aero/Astro Eng.) "Light Water Excess Heat Experiments" Fred Jaeger (ENECO, Salt Lake City) "Patents and Commercialization" Professor Peter L. Hagelstein (MIT Dept. of EE&CS) "Cold Fusion: What We Know and What We Don't Know" ***** TAPE#3 ***** Professor Peter Hagelstein - (CONTINUED from TAPE #2) "Cold Fusion: What We Know and What We Don't Know" Professor Keith Johnson (MIT Dept. of Materials Science and Eng.) "Progress in the Theory of Excess Heat" *and* *Excess Heat* - The Movie, now being made by Hollywood! James L. Griggs (Hydro Dynamics, Inc., Rome, Georgia, USA) "The Hydrosonic Pump: Excess Power and Other Effects" ***** TAPE#4 ***** Bertil Werjefelt (PolyTech(USA), Hawaii) "Energy from Magnetic Materials and Magnetic Fields" Dr. Eugene F. Mallove Concluding Remarks The tapes include the speakers' presentations as well as question and answer sessions. There is footage of the Hydrosonic Pump under test as well as close-up footage of rotor surface melting effects. Bertil Werjefelt shows footage of experiments in his own laboratory. There are scenes of Japanese researchers from Sumitomo, Hitachi, and other companies and universities now involved in their claimed extraction of energy from magnetic materials. These efforts are now said by these researchers to be proceding toward commercialization. Actual experiments are seen in progress. *************************************************************************** The tapes are VHS cassettes in NTSC format and range from 120 to 127 mintues each. To Order the *full set* of four, two-hour tapes, please send check or money order to Cold Fusion Technology for $79.95 plus $5.00 shipping and packing, within U.S. and Canada. [For foreign orders, please replace the $5.00 shipping fee with computed postage for a 1.10 kilogram package - specify air or surface.] ********************** To Order *individual tapes*, please specify which tape(s). Please send check or money order for $25.00/tape, plus $3.00 shipping and packing if only one tape, or $5.00 total if more than one tape. Tapes are Copyright 1995, Cold Fusion Technology Please send payments to: Cold Fusion Technology P.O. Box 2816 Concord, NH 03302-2816 Fax: 603-224-5975 Phone: 603-228-4516 E-Mail: ****************************************************************************** ICCF5 VIDEO TAPES NOW AVAILABLE! Experience the excitement of scientific history in the making... Witness key scientific and commercial presentations at the Fifth International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF5), Monte Carlo, Monaco, At the elegant Hotel Loews, 9-13 April 1995. Cold Fusion Technology presents some of the most significant presentations in a set of four (4) video tapes (approximately 8-hours total view time). The scientific slides presented by the speakers are clearly visible. Tape format is standard VHS (with U.S. NTSC recording format-may be converted by purchaser to PAL or other formats). Tapes are Copyright 1995 Cold Fusion Technology. PRICE: only US $210 for U.S. and Canada; only US $230 for other foreign. Price includes first-class air mail. ADDED VALUE: A full set of ICCF5 scientific abstracts, as well as an index of participants is included with each tape set. Order today! Send check or money order (US funds) to: Cold Fusion Technology, P.O. Box 2816, Concord, New Hampshire 03302-2816 USA. Or, provide credit card information (Master Card, VISA, AMEX).FAX: 603-224-5975 ******************************************************************************