Dream Dec 16, 2018 Geniuses gathered in underground complex I'm walking with a group, far out on a logging road in maple forest. (For me, a group usually represents my collection of personalities.) My daughter Lillian is about four, and runs far ahead. (Lillian in most dreams seems to represent myself as child, or also my unleashed creativity.) She disappears. We find that she's gone into a concealed cave in the side of a steep hill covered with trees, leaf mulch. A tiny cleft hidden behind leaf-piles leads to a large dry cave with a flat floor, wooden shelves, a ladder leading up to a ceiling hatch. The cave is familiar, I've been there ?long ago? (in other dreams?), but earlier it had been wide open, not concealed as a hidden cleft in the hillside, only findable by little kids. (Hmmm, DEC-10 colossal cave? Everyone on the 1977 system discovered "Advent," but this time it's hidden away from the users? ) I'm confused in the dream, and ask, why did Lillian go here? An answer appears: SHE WAS FOLLOWING THE KITTEN! The small cat is now high up in the empty-bookshelf-wall of the cave. Everyone now has to pet the kitty. But behind the cat, the shelf has no rear wall. There's light back there, and voices. I find a way behind the shelf to that "separate world," (by climbing the ladder? A gap between shelves? Unclear.) Back there is a very wide room with low ceiling, low half-walls, knots of people working on various projects. Fluorescent lights and tile floors like a tech company (resembles interior of Paul Allen computer museum.) I'm shown one of the projects, and they're using ancient 1979 computers, VT100 monitors, even messing with core memory. This is a billionaire's project. He's been collecting geniuses, somehow attracting them all to come work in this secret underground complex (it stretches far out into the distance, a tunnel-warren beneath the forest.) The "owner" who runs the complex is there: a stereotype software nerd, huge fat guy with long hair and stained tee-shirt, with billionaire resources. A giant body, sitting on a ridiculously tiny swivel-chair, intensely working on something, typing furiously and won't look up. He's there in the room, but doesn't participate, won't communicate. I realize that these are all "software people." In the dream I think the phrase: why, THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW MY STUFF! The whole project has no physics at all, not even recent electronics. Nothing from the "weird world," no work on the R-device, no Converter slab, no linesplitting picotech or suppressor-electrostatics. Compared to this large crowd of genius-level tech people, I'm some sort of hyper-genius. More like: not even a human being, among this group I'm like an alien super-brain who grew up in a tech culture with entirely different knowledge-base. Or, like a time traveler from centuries hence. (Or, just a 2018 person, talking to 1970s-era TTL-based mainframe experts.) Just to tell them a piece of what I know, would require months, and then totally fry their minds, maybe even damage them. I cannot talk freely here, the mismatch is too great. Yet this "tribe of geniuses" has far higher individual IQs than I do; instead I only have a completely alternate toolkit, access to unusual resources, plus several physics breakthroughs which they have no hope of encountering. They're not piped into the Great Library. Instead they all believe that breakthroughs come about from randomly rearranging old puzzle pieces. (They're all 'puzzle-solvers.' No intuitive creativity or visionaries at all. Their funding will only support 1970s-think and completely-known science.) The dream fades off. Will I work on their projects? Why is the "owner" intent on collecting geniuses? I'm not aware of any goal here, other than "crowd of geniuses, all in one place, all concealed underground" while they're hoping for results to somehow emerge spontaneously. Later when awake, I see that, it's again the "Wikipedia Fallacy," the idea that individuals are inferior to large groups (espeically inferior to large group of experts,) or the distorted belief that committees can ever produce breakthroughs, when really it's always individuals with superpowers who accomplish the miracles. --- Awake, I don't see any connection with anything I'm working on. Our physics company has no other mega-minds, nobody's 'collecting geniuses' in the waking world. There's no billionaire software person. Perhaps the dream is all symbolic, but wo/any obvious meaning I can see. It does smack of precognitive dreams I've had before. So, perhaps expect a "fat gamer-dude billionaire," tech-nerd collector-of- geniuses who might appear in my future, trying to recruit me to work on "comtemporary" (meaning '1975-scented') technology, when all my own unreleased inventions are actually more like Star Trek devices? So, it's a warning dream, to avoid any "genius collective" who've unwittingly limited themselves to utterly conventional science while trapped in breakthrough-avoidance thinking. Nope; Me I just need funding, plus no imposed limits on conceptual barriers I'm allowed to breach. Give me a budget and then get out of the way. (Heh no symbolic "VT-100s & core memory!")