Nightmare about a death event, bad enough to wake me up. Early morning Aug 28, 2014, I did glance at the clock at 4:15AM, but I think this was as I returned to bed ~1hr later. Very strange symbols. I was in an old childhood home in AZ or FL. I'm looking up at the details of rough paint on the white ceiling, and suddenly I knew there was death just above, just beyond the ceiling. Up there is death symbols, dessicated corpses, unknown dead bodies just over your head inside the attic, horror/haunting/wailing-lost-souls. I'm looking up at the ceiling, and a small half-inch hole suddenly opens, and a plume of some stuff comes down into the room, with a loud horrible moaning noise as if the hole is exhaling. Then the plume reverses direction, and goes back up into the hole. "Death" is just on the other side of the ceiling, and the horror-noise of loud inhale-moaning gets much louder. I think there are two ceiling-holes, both appeared at the same time, but the other is off to the side. Somehow the small hole is inhaling, pulling everything. I'm standing just below it, and I'm in danger of being lifted up towards the horrible small hole in the ceiling, with intense wailing sound dominating the entire experience, and wind flowing up to the hole, it being wailing-inhaled into the "death region" above, on the other side. I break out of the dream and wake up. Symbols? A death in my family? Inhale/exhale maybe it's a warning about lung cancer? Or maybe in my rental house there really is a dead body up in the crawlspace/attic. Or ...precognition of a major news event where people are going to face death tomorrow Aug 29 when ?spacecraft? the ISS? gets holed by space debris. This last because I only have nightmares about 5yrs apart, and my last major (remembered) nightmare was 5AM Jan 31 2003, with lots of death-horror-symbols about a completely unprotected group of people walking around on an active moving lava flow, as if they thought they were safe. Strong concept: they're not even wearing silver suits or anything, as if they're on a picnic, rather than facing incredible danger. The group isn't professional risk-takers, they look like a random bunch of tourists, and they have no idea how dangerous it is to do such things. The two group leaders look like aging football players with greying crewcuts, ex military or something. ...then one by one each person breaks through the black protective lava crust and is burned alive by the incandescent flow just on the other side. Silver suits wouldn't save you. Then at the end of the dream, just horror-death is all that's left, a sideways flowing and flowing hot silver landscape with little black smoke plumes in the wind, each plume ending at a charred corpse moving along in the flow, the scene going on and on, unable to look away. I forced myself awake to get loose from the flowing corpse/death/horror scene. Then in the real non-dream world, 23 hours later, the unprotected group of people actually did break through the black crust and turn into charred corpses with smoke trails, flowing scenery where nobody in the entire country can look away. Columbia Shuttle disaster, 6AM PST on Feb 1 2003. The "hole in the white surface above," some dark/death substance "exhales" out of it, then the deafening wailing noise where everything is being pulled towards the small hole? For most people it's just another crazy dream, happens all the time. But me, I don't get those, so actual nightmares are a notable event for me.